Monday, September 13, 2004
Not all that glitter is gold

this one's for the girls.

the girls who think that their prince in shining armor is that replica that they fantasize about in their heads.

Not all that look good tastes good. Like good you see on menus, like clothes you see on display. When the plate comes, the food always look less appeitizing, the dress always look worse in the changing room.

Anyway, my point is that, for the past few months, there's been this guy on campus that i see sometimes. He's really cute. I don't see him walking around often, like maybe once in a few weeks and stuff, but everytime i see him, I always look twice, cause he's really cute. The first time i saw him was with Satoshi.... then i saw him again when i was with Yoshi, i think... then I was at JSA the other day and I saw him again... and last night i went out with Norika for her birthday and I saw him in the car... And everytime i saw him, i really thought that he's cute.... Actually the first thought that strikes me is that "ahhhhh cute guy" then only the second thought comes "ohhh hey, it's that same guy!"

Anyway, then there's this super fit girl, Ami that I knew through Keigo who's also Satoshi's friend. You knows those super cun popular highschool girls that you often read in shoujo mangas? well, i would assume that back in highschool in Japan, she would have been one of thise super cun popular highschool girls. Anyways, yeah...

WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL..... What i found out yesterday was that, by the process of natural selection, well, the best genes always breeds with the best genes, and that cute guy i saw his actually Ami's boyfriend...

But the title of my post, is all that glitter is not gold...

And so what i also found out what that this guy is a real jerk. Basically in spring he and Ami stayed together but he treated her real bad. Like he'd have the keys to the house and she'd call him up for it, like kinda asks "yo where are you now?" and this dude would be like "who are you to me to keep asking me that?" and stuff like that. Also like, in addition to that sort of treatment, he stayed at her place FOC, didn't pay anything. But anyways, point is that he's a real meanie to her.... They kinda broke up i heard... But in the summer they both went back to Japan and there they met up and apparently, he was really sweet to her, and so they got back together again...


As we conclude.... all that is glitter is not gold. All cute guys aren't princes, all cute girls don't always have it great even if they do get all the cute guys ne. So don't go chasing waterfalls. Everyone has their struggles i guess. And the grass is not necessarily greener over there.....

*still doesn't beat the fact that i am still moping around about paul, though*

Anyways.... I spent the whole Friday and Saturday reading manga.... I'm happy I actually found two series i like! And also the fact that one of them is pure shoujo and the other one is pure shounen.... hehehe...

First one is Aishiteruze Baby.... about a playboy (yes your damn typical cute shoujo manga guys!) who is suddenly placed with the responsibility of taking care of his 5-year-old cousin sister. Very cute. I think, i guess what i like about this shoujo manga is that, the protagonist is a guy. I really don't quite like shoujo girls cause they're so weak and indecisive. Also, the love interest of the guy in this story is also a very strong headed girl, so i like that too. What i like alot about this series is that the drawing is REALLY cute!!! ^^... make the characters very loveable.... soooo many frames of the drawing that i really really like that really makes your heart go "awwwwwe"!!!
Most of all, i recommend this manga to whoever girls who really like those cool guys type who suddenly become very motherly and have to take care of little girls.. hehe, cute.

look!! damn cute drawing!!!!! mannnn!! my heart is like "damnnnnnnn!! awwwwww!! super cute!!!!!" hehehe....

Second one i read was BLEACH! yeah.... cool story. About a guy who has to hunt and erm destroy hollows, bad spirits... It's much more complicated than that of course, the story, but i'm too lazy to go write a summary.... hehehe. It's kinda pure shounen, no love stuff and all that of course, although now at this point the lead character is going out to save a girl (who was the one who first gave him the powers to hunt these hollows). The only one thing i dun quite like about this series is that i can't stand one of the characters cause she's your typical big-breasted-air-head and she likes the lead character and she actually develops spritual powers herself and is part of the team to go rescue the girl. Also, the thing is that, the drawing is very cluttered, damn hard to read cause the words are sqeezed really small and the drawing sometimes are very sketchy, makes your eyes go @.@ But the thing that i really liked about this series is that at times mannnnnn it's damn funny!!!

Anyway, both series have not ended yet. Aishiteruze Baby has been made into an anime, so i'm checking that out soon.... (INUYASHA IS ENDING ANYWAY! T_T). I'm not sure abt bleach tho.. hmm.

So that's it...

24 hours left to the END OF INUYASHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sighhhh i'm really sad actualy... still in shock actually..... sigh... i can't believe it's ending.... Inuyasha has changed so much in seriously.... it has........... It really has... It was like to me what meeting Nate back in 02 was like.... it really was..... I'LL MISS YOU INUYASHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess i still have the manga to look forward too.... although that too is ending....


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