Thursday, May 22, 2003
gosh... Taking Back Sunday... you're awesome....... I wish this shit never happened to you. I can't decide if it's more tragic for you to die this way, so suddenly, or if you continued on for years and years and years to come and then fade into the oblivion that is the music business... gosh...
i wish I could take yesterday back... maybe not relive it but cherish it... and Adam, I would have screamed my heart out with you (as I did and even more) if only i knew that was gonna be my last... I love you TBS... no man, not in a groupie way, but in the sincerest way deep down in this devioded heart- devoided knowing you are gone, filled as you play on still on my radio.

so how are your dreams? whatever lover they may be
so go on, go and take on the world (building castles, building castles!)
expand your wings across the sky, take my words and say good-night and
never say good-bye
expand your wings and fly and look to the sky
expand your wings and fly

... goodnight Adam, goodnight John, goodnigt Ed, goodnight Shaun, goodnight Mark... but never say goodbye... expand your wings and fly...
Sunday, May 18, 2003
Taking Back Sunday is one of the best bands I've ever come across in my life and i think that they're amazing even though they might be no more- even so I thank heavens that in my lifetime, my destiny had crossed with theirs for one short moment in time.

I'm tempted to say that I love taking back sunday but that's such a groupie thing to say and i feel that it's too "suck uppish". this feeling in me goes beyond the expression of love. more of like my heart has been touched, and crushed, by their awesome overwhelming music.

this is for you taking back sunday, though, "this", refers to nothing. for I can do nothing more than sit here and write this. but as Days Away's vocalist Keith had told me, "sometimes you feel something so much in you that you just gotta say it, you know what I mean?"

and I feel somthing so much in me for you, Taking Back Sunday. And even if their light dies, i know that it has blazed brightly even if it had just been for one short moment in time. The brightest star dies the soonest. and Taking Back Sunday had been one great bright star indeed.

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