Tuesday, September 14, 2004

-please wait a little for the movie to load k... if u want to re-view it, just click on the last pic when the movie finish playing-

so.... Inuyasha is over.... the anime at least, and the manga is coming to a close too...

Anyways, i wanted to commemorate the end of the anime... i guess i am still in shock.... saw it coming but never expected it you know... but it did end... and i guess... i'm just sad cause i don't know.... Inuyasha meant alot to me... the reason why i came to like Asia much much more... how i am even thinking about contributing back to Asia to make people back home realize what beauty we have in our heritage, really all first stemmed out of Inuyasha. It was cause of Inuyasha i got interested in Japanese mythologies, and further on, into Asian mythologies.... It made me "Look East" you know....

And the reason why i am taking this 4 credit hour (more like 10 credit hours!) Japanese class, and all the rest of the stuff, is still because of Inuyasha you know... or maybe not cause of Inuyasha, but you know how sometimes in your life, you need one catalyst to propell you into this whole OTHER world you never knew, a whole other world that is so beautiful..... well....... Inuyasha was my catalyst you know.... In my whole life i can remember 3 distinct changes that really really turned my life around...

When i was 14 we went to Europe.... that REALLY blew my mind away. Suddenly, i could feel myself grow up you know. I literally saw my world expand beyond my eyes, and suddenly i realized for the first time in my life that there is sooooooooo much more to life than just the four walls of my room, than just Malaysia, than just this life that is preset before us... There is soooooo much more out there for us to live and to experience.... And it was because of that one trip that made me dream of a life less ordinary that i still dream of today..... If you always wondered why i hated Malaysia sooooooooo much back in highschool, it wasn't because i hated malaysia and just wanted to get the hell out of there... But it was because i saw so much more, and knew that there is sooooo much more out there to be lived, to be had.... that life need not be tied to the place where we were born....

And then... there was the second trip to UK, seeing Finch and all that stuff for the first time.......... and well, that one night in Sheffield with Nate and that wholeeee DREAM....... that propelled me here... that REALLY did... Changed my life over, and steered me towards America....

And finally..... Inuyasha, haha... believe it or not, yes an anime.... It took ONE anime, to change my life once more. It's not that I am totally obsessed with anime and manga and masih dijajah oleh jepun (nihon no), but it was more of the interests that Inuyasha had sparked within me that was the magic that Inuyasha did for me...

And on top of that, i still love Inuyasha as an anime, whether or not it changed my life, it IS a great anime........ and while it has ended.... I still hope that many of you will still give it a try. Pick up the manga, download an episode. Rumiko takahashi is still a brilliant storyteller... and really, if you have time, this is one feudal fairy tale you should not miss.....

Sayonara, Inuyasha.... Arigatou gozaimashita.


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