Monday, June 28, 2004
Shit, it's Days Away tomorrow. I'd be lying to you if i say i don't care. Truth is that i care too much- about them....

And i need my closure because i need to leave America. And i don't want to leave America with regrets knowing i am leaving some things/some one, I don't really want to leave.

And I'm listening to their songs again and it dates these periods of my life-

I need my closure... and elaine I really hope i can get my closure from Days Away because i really want to love them for all they are- a really awesome band.

And maybe i can one day remember in bliss that although I may have had Tim's phone number on my cell phone, they're still always going to be the band, and I'm always gonna be their fan.

I had a dream about Days Away the other day where they didn't remember me. I hope tomorrow, they won't remember me- it would be so much easier to say goodbye that way knowing that they're still the band and I am still and always will be their fan.

Please God... give me my closure tomorrow- I need to be there in their mosh pit and be unaffected.

God! let me smile again!!!!!!! Oh man!! Their songs are just so amazing!!! i just wish there was no image, no attachment that comes with those brilliant sounds!

Keith, let me forget your name.


let me forget your name.

then i'd know what to say.

<3 always,
-for samples of their music, the reason why i first loved them.... perhaps still the reason why i still do-


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