Thursday, June 24, 2004
Kikyo warns Inuyasha not to bring Kagome with him to fight Naraku cause it's a trap... so she'll go instead... But Inuyasha tells her NO. Inuyasha tells Kikyo "i can't protect you... " that is why he don't want Kikyo to fight Naraku..... So Kikyo gives Inuyasha a scared arrow to give to Kagome instead. THEN Inuyasha tells Kagome truthfully that he went to see Kikyo cause he wanted to know how Kikyo was doing. Then, he gives Kagome Kikyo's arrow. Then when they're going to fight Naraku, Inuyasha tells Kagome "whatever happens, don't worry, I will protect you."
Cause KNOWING Inuyasha, he probably said "I can't protect you" to Kikyo in a guilt stricken way cause he failed TWICE to protect her life. Did he mean it that way? Or is did he just reverse what he said in Ep 48 where he promises Kikyo, "I will be the one who protects you from Naraku" and now he's saying he can't and since he tells Kagome "I will protect you", technically by default, he has chosen Kagome instead?????

DAMN MY JAPANESE! what the hell did Inuyasha mean?!


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