Monday, May 16, 2005
it's not good to be living in southern california. especially on a fault line such as here in Northridge, which btw, was the epicenter of the 1994 California earthquake (yeap).

It's nerve wrecking, i don't know why. I live next to a main road. Everytime a truck or a bus pass, my bed would vibrate... makes me think it's an earthquake... EVERYTIME!

Having said that however, I've only felt a quake twice: once on my first year here when i thought it was monsters shaking my bed and i figured there SHOULD be a realistic explanation for the bed moving: an earthquake... It was two actually, up in Valencia. Luis was online and he sais he felt it too. He lives in West LA. The other was in Fukuoka after the AKG show... which is good!! considering that if i had been DURING the show, they might have stopped the set huh???? But well, it's all good, having experienced quake in California and Japan...

Damn that phrase "it's all good"... should NOT pick it up from my friends, cause it annoys the hell out of me. it's NOT all good! gosh.

He says to me "you're a great friend" or he says to me "you're a special friend" because i am able to understand him and i am there for him and he worries me and want and i try to make him happy...

but yet despite him telling me all that. I don't believe him. I know he holds me at an arm's length because simply... i don't think he perceives me to be a friend he can talk with and share his feelings to.... you know what i mean?

ahhh my heart *sniff*


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