Sunday, May 15, 2005
I can't buy food cause i don't want to use the credit card. I have zero US dollars in my room and 26000yen in my wallet- no can do, we need to convert them currency.

Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like no-one's watching.
Sing like no-one's listening.
Live like it's Heaven on Earth.

I have decided and know what i want to do with my life. I hope from now till 30, to be able to work in Japan for at least 1 year (preferably Kyoto ne).. That's 7 years to the goal... After that i shall go back to school. I would love to be able to be a scholar of all three Abrahamic religions: Christianity, Judaism and Islam because i want to be cool. And also, if i can't work in Japan, actually, i hope i am able to at least study Shintoism there... That would be nice... Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Shinto.

Actually, i am serious... i found this diploma program at International Islamic University (gosh, woul my dad would kill me and my Church disown me if i did this hm hm =\) for Islamic Studies... and it's part time too, so that's awesome...
I really do plan to go back to Malaysia to find a way to work and study.... I'm thinking of taking Japanese first (as my study part) cause i want to work in Japan right? But i think if like, i don't mind not being there any time soon, I'll just work and study Japanese for abit, the stop to do that Diploma for Islamic Studies.... Then, I am gonna go back to do Japanese because it seems that there are NO Japanese universities with an ENGLISH program in Shinto, THUS, meaning i have to go learn the language ne! (ouhhh i forsee such difficult times aheadddd... i can't even understand elementary level!). So yeah, that's my first plan.... But i don't know... I think Christianity is doable in Malaysia too, but since i am Christian, u know, there's only the option of seminary schools and aren't they religious? i would love to learn Christianity as it is, RAW, without the 2000 years of Church traditions muddling it up, you know.... And Judaism is only cause i don't think it's possible to truly grasps Christianity without understanding Judaism.
But what do you think? And i wonder if it's also possible to learn about Buddhism in Malaysia too... Cause right now my background is JOURNALISM and not religious studies. I feel that i have more chances of getting into a (Japanese) Religious Studies course if i had a background in Asian religious.........

yosh! i shall do it: Islam, Christianity, Buddhism! it would be sooooooooooooo cool! I love learning about all these because i feel unlike stuff like Journalism, or like I don't know, English, or whatever, I have no knowledge of these religions you know... and wahtever you learn is like a simulating breath of fresh air new knowledge... I love that feeling!

SO TO DO ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL THAT, do u think that could give me enough money? To work in Malaysia for the next 5 years accumilating wealth (if we don't spend it all on mamak, that is. Those places are getting real expensive!) (somehow that phrase sounds oxymoronic... "malaysia" and "accumilating wealth" in the same sentence) and then go do these stuff with my life.... After all, we're still young.... even at 25 you've gotta start some time, right??

if of course, the world lasts THAT long.

lets pray my brother will become a rich movie maker by then, i've been counting on leeching onto his wagon to the stars ever since i was 14.. teehee..


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