Friday, October 29, 2004
Dear All,

Thank you very much for all your kind words... touched my heart to know that people care about what happens to me...

I am ok now... physically.... i still dare to go for concerts (tho i have not been to any yet) but i think i am a little more paranoid these days. I have moved house to another house and a bigger room. my dad came over to take care of me for awhile... =)

Otherwise... i guess i am okay. i mean... stirred but not too shaken u know... And i still don't really sit down and ponder what happened cause i think it'd be too scary if i did that.

and as they say u know... life DOES go on and the sun still rises even if you don't really move as fast as life around you does.

I hope i will still be me... still as loud, still as anxious, still as desperate.... maybe still less cautious... but I don't know... i guess i just feel even lonelier these days....

Anyway, thanks alot for all the nice comments. it really touch my heart to know that all of you care *biggest hugs and kisses*

lots of love,


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