Wednesday, June 08, 2005
So the otaku catch 22 is that, Akio told me that Japanese girls really really really really loathe Anime otaku guys. But think about this... 90% of non-Japanese guys became interested in Japanese to begin with through anime or erm... japanese porn. heh. and in fact, u know, most guys who are interested in Japanese have their knowledge of Japan come from Anime (ok, i admit that 60% of my knowledge of Japan ALSO comes from Anime) and this knowledge to begin with (including mine) barely scratches the surface of that culture. And so factor this fact that all one knows about Japan is anime and that most non-japanese guys who go all goo gaa over japanese girls are due to potrayals of Japanese girls in anime/hentai/porn... all of which makes them this Anime Otaku that repels the very Japanese girls they're trying to get to being with.


good luck ;)

So to get Japanese girls, i've been told, you gotta be cool. And cool by Japanese girl's definition is that the guy must not talk much, must not care much, must not smile, must play it cool, and of course, must look cool... stupid definition i say but asalkan bahagia ya. Or of coz, just be America, white blonde and blue eyed..............

BUTTTTTTTTTT... i do know a guy who is ALLLLLLLLLL that, white, american, blonde and blue eyed but cause he's an Anime Otaku.......... heh.... go figure! ;)


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