Thursday, December 09, 2004
My heart is starting to thaw
From the day I lost my voice, colors sprouted up
The drops that escape from my extended hands
Shine on this place, thinking of the future

So.... erm now that japanese class is over i suddenly feel like watching anime. what the hell. well i dunno how to feel.

With trivial words and casual gestures With my song I just want to ascertain myself of my feelings that are coming apart

I dunno what he's singing tho... which is kinda hard to let a song say what u mean when u don't understand what it's saying, and farther even from understanding what it really means.
I dunno... i feel abit empty now that it's all gone and there are not thrills left to bitch about. Patheticness is still a topic to ponder upon even though it's a shitty topic to have to concern youself wth. But still... and now, i am left with frays i guess. that i can't really grasps or understand how to feel. better to have nightmares, better to have broken dreams than to be dreamless perhaps?

i want to understand these songs more than just the music because the music speaks what i feel but i need the words to say what i can't articulate.

Ahhh if only i was a little more bold, with a little more guts. Perhaps perhaps, life might have been also just a little more different.


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