Wednesday, December 08, 2004
i guess i should post something huh? well i wanted to post some stuff just never got round to doing it.... first, congratulations to AKG, they finally made it up to top 25 most played on my playlist with their songs Compass (Rashinban) and Kaigan Dori, yeap! They should have been there a long time ago but da thing is that when i play AKG i usually loop all 50 songs, thus it takes quite a while before it gets a repeat.... and also like i got multiple of the same songs... like Kaigan Dori has two copies... so there's 29 plays on one, 18 on the other.... etc etc.... these reasons are also why alot of the TBS Tell All Your Friends songs are not on top 25 either... damn this song is so good "Jihei Tansaku"... and the only words i understand is "dare ga hero..." something something.... I guess he's asking who's the hero something something huh?

Anyway, Japanese class is officially over. Kinda bummed out of my tests abit, shite... Sigh, i hope i can still get an A in the class....... i mean, how can i say i like Nihon no koto if I can't even get the language right? *sigh* PLUS, if i don't get the language right, then i'd never be able to understand AKG in my life! =( *long sigh* ;)

And also, yesterday *heart flutters* my brother said my paper was well written *smiles*.... whaada complimentttt although of course, it must have been just a B to him or he was expecting something real shitty from me..... I sent him one of this journalism research paper I wrote for my international news media class last semester.... he wanted to use it wuahahahahha... erm i know it's kinda plagarism but anyways! He said it was good actually =D wooooo *ahhh contented*.... u know it's like your favourite writer telling u that u have a B grade story....... ahhhh good enuf for me...

And ALSO, saw cute guy yesterday.... But for the first time in my life, i chickened out and didn't dare to force the moment to it's crisis.... I didn't say "hi" as i told myself the whole weekend that i would if i saw him on monday *sigh*.... perhaps I've 'learnt'???? RIGHHHTT sighhhhhh why elaine why did u chicken out?


hope i see him again today. Moo ichi... something something... =D

anyways... please if u could, go check AKG songs out at:

And i leave u with......... AKG!! yayayayayay!!!


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