Saturday, December 04, 2004
why do we always seem to want what we can't have? why do i always seem to long for something i can never achieve can never grasps?

and i see you and there you are. and you're saying hold my hand but i can't understand but what i do understand is the look in your eyes and the softness in your hands as you brush my hair back and wrap the warmth of the scarf around my neck tigther against the cold and you say to me "take care of yourself okay" and i know that i mean something to you as i smile in my heart inside.

and i want you there in the moment though i know i can never posess you in which life said no because there's just fantasy and there is always something called reality, something that is always there.

but i do want something. why fantasize when it's so painful knowing and always realizing that you are only a fool with wishful thinking? childish wantings? inmature desires? why why why can't i finally grow up?


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