Thursday, December 23, 2004
yes i am back home but i am begining to remember why i didn't wanna come back =P

anyways i didn't get to buy the AKG concert tickets and i am a little sad because they damn kick ass and i think they are beyond superb and yes i am listening to their song now and it's still not killing me... instead of saying i love AKG i think i'm just going to keep saying that they are just awesome and amazing and incredibly talented and they are so great...... hmmm

ok anyways. Not like anyone's listening but a shout out to Yan Yee, thanks soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much for trying to get the tickets for me. You're awesome!!!!!! And also, another shout out to Aya-chan her MOM!!! for being so cool!!! hehehe.... lemme quote Aya-chan's email...

"Yeah,, I did ask my mom about AKG's concert ticket.Then, first, she said, "They're awesome!" So I simply asked her whether shecould get a ticket or not. Then she told me that unfortunately she was not amembership of fan-club for Asian Kung-Fu Generation YET, so she said itwould be difficlt to get a ticket.( Actually she said "two tickets" so iasked her "why two?" and she siad "one for Elaine-chan and one for me Oka-san") But she tried. she called concert ticket company for one hour buti'm sorry she couldn't get it."

Thank you so much to lovely Aya-chan!! and her okasan! thanks!!!! I hope we remain friends for long and i won't dissapoint you!!!

so anyways......

AKG.... watashi wa erm... anata no ongaku ga totemo *insert some Japanese word her for the following description: awesome, great, amazing, brillaint, outstanding, shining, kick ass, kicked my ass, totally and absolutely simpley just beyond awesome*......... alright... as u can see, I AM listening to AKG now, Jihei Tansaku.... i have absolutely NO IDEA whatsoever he's singing except "dare ga hero" but whatever, they are just beyond man... whether or not i understand their words or not.

Anyway, thank you again Yan Yee, Aya-chan, Aya-chan no okaasan, Masa, Mayuko-san, Ryota and everyone who has so freely and unselfishly made themselves available to the onslaughts of my obsessive impulses. Thank you so VERY VERY VERY much for tolerating me and being soooooooooooooooo awesome towards me when i really don't deserve it. You're what makes life beautiful and worth living for and make me remember that this world can be nice afterall... Thanks!!!!!!


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