Well, i read this manga last weekend and it got me thinking about life. It's from a one shot manga called Endo Stories: For Those Of Us Who Don't Believe in God.
this part really struck me cause... it made me look and think about life in a different way.
I've always believed that life is what you make of it... that maybe you can make the best out of a shitty situation... But lately, i don't quite believe in that, because as much as you try your best sometimes, life still screws up you know... and so life is not always great and it won't always turn out great even if you try your best to make lemonades out of lemons...
But this manga gave a different twist to that... That not necessarily that you can make life better, or that you can make the most out of a shit situation... but rather, happiness and life is a perception.... and thus, even if life is crap and life sucks.... if your outlook on it, if you perceive it to be happy.... then maybe just maybe it is, you know...
and if you think life sucks, then it does. but if you think life is beautiful... then maybe you know what? it would be beautiful.....
maybe it's lying to yourself... but i truly believe that if you want to be happy and view life as being beautiful instead of shit.... you would be happy, no matter what situation you're in... bad or good.
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