ok i had a long post about doujinshi but it got erased. so here's just a pic of how i folded and actually downloaded doujinshi of sesshomaru and rin (YEAH NON HENTAI ONES! ACTUALLY FOUND THEM!).
I actually don't like fan fic stuff bcause it's very out of character usually. Like you know the actual character will NEVER do that. But damn i was surfing thru ebay and saw some sesshomaru/rin doujinshi scans and man, they were so damn sweet that i folded. I had to go find some to indulge in although i know that would NEVER happen.
I mean, shit, Sesshomaru will NEVER let rin grab his sleeves! The anime Sesshomaru MIGHT, but the manga sesshomaru will DEFINITELY NOT. Plus, ithink it would actually not really be out of character for the anime Rin to grab sesshomaru's sleeves, and anime Sesshomaru would allow it (though he will likely NOT CARE nor reciprocrate the affection),. BUT it WOULD BE OUT of character for the manga rin to grab sesshomaru's sleeves. Manga rin probably damn well knows she can't do it with Sesshomaru because he's actually REALLY strict with her in the manga version. The anime version Sesshomaru still plays along with her whims.
But still sweet yo, to see Rin sleeping on Sesshomaru's fluff... hehehe... i wonder in the ACTUAL manga/anime Sesshomaru would ever do that. Although, seeing the pic, it's not really very unlikely that both anime/sesshomaru would do that. Cause i think the reason why also Rin wants to "be with sesshomaru-sama forever" is not just cause he's the first person to really care about/for her. I think he's been "affectionate" towards her. And i don't see how letting Rin sleep on his fluff would be out of character cause it's merely just giving her some warmth and a soft place to sleep on ne. I mean in the anime, he did let jaken rest on his fluff! hehehehe.... HOWEVER, you do see when Sesshomaru/Jaken is travelling, Rin usually sleeps on Ah-Un.... The one episode we saw Rin and Jaken sleeping/resting was the last episode with Rin/Sess and Sesshomaru wasn't around, so she was just sleeping between the tree roots. hmmm.... Awwee.
Then there were the doujinshi of rin giving Sesshomaru flowers.... USUALLY he wasn't receptive but let her do it anyway.... Kinda sesshomaru... anime sesshomaru.... Or ACTUALLY i think the actual sesshomaru would be looking at the ever eager rin holding up a bunch of flowers to him, and with that nonchalant face of his he'll just flip his hair and turn away and says "don't do such silly things" (of coz he don't mean it) and "lets go" and rin will just smile as always and go "hai!".
What else.... of course there were the Sesshomaru protecting Rin stories, tho there were very little of these actually.... then those of Sesshomaru going to look for Rin (i'm just guessing ne, i CANNOT READ JAPANESE!)
Of course, there were also the romance ones. I don't quite like those. I definitely like the one's more where she manja him and he looks at her and goes "damn, she's annoying" in an annoyed way but he's feeling like that only cause he's also damn cursing himself cause he knows he's all vulnerable with her too and that's why he actually tolerates her manja.
There were the ones where he actually hugs her after some sappy dialogue probably on the lines of one day he might lose her or that she's worried he's gonna leave her. THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. Sesshomaru would NEVER hug rin ne, not in a million years volunteerally!
But in all... i think i kinda accept those where she manja him and he kinda ignores/accepts it the way sesshomaru always does and in the end he'll fold and just acknowledge what she did for him with either saying something deadpan to her like "lets go", or by actually receiving what she made for him, or going to get her, or going to rescue her. I think i accept that after watching the last episode 162.... cause in that episode, although not much was said, and sesshomaru was his usual "cold" self towards in, yet you kinda feel at the end of the episode that Rin is really in Sesshomaru's life and he wants it that way, or he really don't mind her being there at all. Cause he gave her a choice in the end, "do as you like"... And it's like, not said that he actually says that "you can come along if you like it (i don't mind it)" but u get that drift. Somehow, THAT is actually more powerful of a connection than his usual "let's go" to Rin. Maybe in the "lets go" he always says, it's like "dang man, i got nowhere to put you, so lets go". Or that i feel that even when sesshomaru says lets go, it's more of like, he feels obligated. But yeah... I think in the "do as you like"... do you get the feeling that "you can come with me if you like it. I DON'T MIND"! ne.... damn just go watch the episode.
So yeah, that's why i think IT IS possible for Sesshomaru to let Rin grab his sleeves and all that. Though not said or even shown, I think Sesshomaru did show to Rin a part of his preference towards her "you can come along if you want".... like ALLOWING her to follow him instead of just the obligatory follow me COMMAND. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's why, i wish they'd animate Sesshomaru and Rin a little more.... show them playing ne.. erm or not playing but mabbe like... erm... she holding out flowers to him with a beaming smile and he's just like "what the heck nonsense again" look but looking at her smile and the flower he actually sees her sweetness and takes the flower... NE! damnnnnnnnnnnn ANIME THAT!
I <3 Sesshomaru+Rin
So yeah. that's all man. i need to bloody study. 13 hours i've procrastinated!
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