Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Song 6 - May 23

Soooooooo today was a really good practice day!!! Compared to yesterday's which was a total bust!

So anyway, it's a little too late, but I've decided FOUR DAYS before my lesson, that I will modify Song 6, Mayim Mayim.

So Song 6 has 5 main parts:
Intro - 8 beat / 4 bars
[A] - 8 beat / 8 bars
[B] - 8 beat / 8 bars
[C] - 16-beat / 8 bars
[C'] - 16-beat / 8 bars

So the song goes:
Intro -> A -> B -> C -> A -> B -> C -> C'

And the bits are
Intro: 4th bar fill in at 3&4&
A: 8th bar fill in at 3&4&
B: 5th bar cymbal at 1; 8th bar fill in at 3&4&
C: 5th bar cymbal at 1; 8th bar fill in at 3&4&
C': 5th bar cymbal at 1; 8th bar fill in on snare at 1&2&3& and both snare and the floor tom at 4& (I think...)

In my last lesson, Sensei added the hi-hat opening at bottom of 4 (meaning &), and closing at 1 of the 5th bar for [B].

Anyway..... my weakest point thus far, which are repeated mistakes:
1) forgetting the fill-in at the end of [A] - usually the 2nd [A]
2) missing the fill-in at the end of [C] into [C'] coz I mishear the song
3) forgetting the hi-hat at [B], again coz I mishear the song
4) forgetting to switch from 8 to 16-beat at the 1st [C]
5) forgetting the fill-in in the Intro (because sensei is counting on the recording, I usually don't pay attention and listen to his counting for cues)

Other than those, I'm also shit at:
1) Hi-Hat opening/closing sounds like shit
2) Tempo is absolutely fucked.

Other than those.... I'm good.




Today's lesson and also since yesterday, I decided to change some bits.
Instead of [B] being  a duplicate of [A], I decided to add hi-hat opening/closings at the end of EVERY BAR. 
Bars 3-8 are easier to hear but I often miss the cue on bar 1 and if I get bar 1 correct, I sometimes miss bar 2. Also, having both feet up and down at the same time on the same beat can get confusing! So sometimes I fuck up the bass drum!
Also, for the second [C], I decided to add the hi-hat opening/closing at bars 2 and 6.
And for [C'], I decided to do another fill-in at the end of bar 4 before the cymbal.

Overall, I think it's.... ok.
IFFFFF I manage NOT to fuck up any part!!!!

Anyway, here's a recording of the song with said parts from today.
There are obvious fuck ups in the Hi-hat in [B] and also there was an extra Hi-hat before the cymbal in the second [C].

Anyway..... WILL try to practice this version to a doable level before Sunday's lesson!!


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