Sunday, January 24, 2010



I think Chizu is my favorite Lunkhead album. There's a raw, yet more refined, power to those songs. Yes, 月と手のひら is a most balanced album between solid rock sounds and synthetic sound engineering, and I think the Tsuki to Tenohira album has the most soul, but... somehow, I do like Chizu alot. Hmm that said, I do like Tsuki to Tenohira a hell alot too!

I mean who can't beat 灰空 (Haisora)?? Seriously, pure rock goodness there. And 白濁 (Hakudaku)... DAMN, ANOTHER PURE SOLID rock track!

And I suppose, I really miss these type of Lunkhead rock songs...

They seem REALLY different these days. Was just sampling VOX on iTunes and yes, it seems to follow-up on the feel of At0m. While I do like the songs, I'm just not crazy over it... Maybe not yet, I suppose... But listening to At0m and sampling VOX, I actually do like Chizu much, much better... Is that bad?! Goshhh.....

But I also think sometimes, maybe it's just the type of rock songs I like. I'm very narrow minded, actually, in my music taste, I've realized. Because seriously, there really is just a very few few type of sounds that I like, and any band that is able to produce tunes along those lines, I'd tend to really like them naturally.... That said, my recent Japanese playlist is kinda an antithesis of that theory tho!

Well I guess, what I mean or what to say is that, I guess, it's way easier listening to Chizu again =)



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