Saturday, April 23, 2005
Well this is the first and perhaps the last time i am gonna blog political.... somehow the phrase "freedom of speech" doesn't really make me feel comfortable with blogging about politics (even if i am in America, MORE SO because i AM in America).... I just have this paranioa that everything is being bugged, and of course since blogs are public, anyone can read it.... and it's not exactly safe for me a IMMIGRANT student and cursed, journalist, to be blogging too much against the government of this country.

But i shall... after a talk with Kelvin, it has made me wanna talk about it.

*DISCLAIMER: ok... i am gonna be quite critical, if not HARSH on certain groups of people namely those who are supporters of "our" president of the USA and also republicans* (see footnote) .... I want to say that if u don't want to get pissed off with me, you should just skip this whole post, but i hope u will read on... even if ur gonna hate me after this, because this is my point of view and i hope u will listen out... my argument is not absolutely water proof, but i do think that i have a point to make (especially stuff abt Christianity and the war) and i think i make a sensible point at that.

I have something to pick with Republicans.... One thing "good" about them is that, they are a damn cohesive group. I must say, republicans always agree on the same things, they REALLY REALLY do share the same values. Unlike democrats or liberals, cause i feel that everyone has their own idea of what social justice means, therefore, no one group can come to a common understanding.
But i CANNOT, and i mean CANNOT stand republicans cause they just WILL NOT accept other point of views other than their own. They just CANNOT agree to it! I have no IDEA how the hell they can bring every discussion back to conservatism and Christan values! Like EVERYTHING! they will manage to argue against you and say how it's not good because this and that is not controlled enough, and how it's not Christian enough.
And i cannot cannot, simply CANNOT understand how they can be so damn heartless and blind towards social injustice, how they can keep supporting megapowers that keep people in poverty. How can they blame poor people for being poor and increasing crime in the country when can't the fucking see that the governmental policies are the ones that are making these people poor??? I've NEVER lived or grew up in East LA, but i have these classmates that i soooooooooooooooooooo feel like SHOVING them to East LA and make them grow up there and let's see if your fucking government is as great as you think it is! SERIOUSLY! How the hell can u keep supporting big businesses to the expense of others and even yourself?! Do you think it's right that your government is spending billions of dollars blowing some country thousands of miles away while the cost of your education increases 30% every year??? How can you justify that in your head??? How can you justify government policies that pays teacher better according to the results that their students get in exams whennnnnnnnn some of these students don't even have textbooks because the schools didn't get enough money from the governement to buy them to begin with because of bad performance??? How can you turn the poor against themselves and blame them for something that they're not even responsible for? I really HATE educational policies in this country because it's fucking stupid! How can you make laws that will grant good schools more money when it's the low performing schools that actually need it??? Seriously!! and how can you actually have people who agree with such a stupid policy to begin with?!
I mean if we wanna talk about a country being poor, like third world countries, it's really true that they're poor, you jnow, that they really do lack money. America? They're in a budget deficit not cause they're damn poor, it's cause the government spend their money stupidly on unnecessary shit!

I mean how stupid can a nation get when the determining factor of the elections were MORAL ISSUES... GAY RIGHTS, REPRODUCTION RIGHTS. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?! So you don't give a damn if your son or daughter gets send to war and get killed but you give a fuck if they're gay???? WTF IS THAT?!

And i ABSOLUTELY do not know the mind of God, but shedding blood and being gay, i wonder which God abhors more???

Ok and lets talk about this whole being Christian thing. I am a Christian and therefore, i will NOT stand up for my "religion" but i will stand up for my God whom i love.

I just think it's very crap that this whole war is waged under the banner of religion (so much for seperation of church and state at that! dumbass americans. You won't fucking allow prayers to be said at football games but you allow presidents to wage war in the name of Christianity. That is just so damn stupid, why the fuck can't people SEE that?! gosh!)..

sorry, got side track... I just think that it's very crap that this whole war is waged under the banner of religion. Of Christianity.

Kelvin brought up a very good point about how we don't really know how God brings about His justice. After all, it REALLY seemed very unfair that Moses was denied going into the promise land just because of ONE sin after he had to go through ALLLL those crap the isrealites put hin through. And it was a small mistake at that! All he did was hit his staff against the rock instead of just commanding the rock (like what God told him to do)... and so he was not allowed to enter the promise land...

BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.... after going through the bible... The Hebrew Bible anyway... as a NON religious text, you do see that God cares for people, ESPECIALLY the oppressed! lemme reitterate that... THE OPPRESSED (yeah man the people living in East LA! not your damn well manicured lawn of homes that sprall the hills of Vermont or some shit like that)

And i think it's fucked up that this war is like an eradication or war against Islam cause YO, PEOPLE, DON'T YOU REALIZE THAT GOD HIMSELF PLACED THE MUSLIM RACE THERE HIMSELF???????

Gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if God hated the muslims race he would have NEVER saved Hagar and Ishmeal and would have never promised to make a great nation out of Ishmeal! SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET THAT INTO YOUR HEAD!!!! goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

OUH MANNNNNNNNN.... if there's bone to be picked with the Muslims let the JEWS do it. Goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! SERIOUSLY!! so pissed off about this.........

ANd the other thing why i REALLY hate that this war is fought under the banner of Christianity and we have a president who's flauting around how utterly Christian he is, is that DUDE, this war is giving Christianity a bad name.... OKAY i don't mind maybe that Christianity is getting a bad name, but YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO people are hating my God and Jesus for it!!!

What is the logic in that?!

DUDE PRESIDENT CAN'T U SEE??? THIS AIN'T NO GLORIFYING GOD!!! cause mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.. while the 200 million people voted for you thinks that you're like God's messanger, you're turning the rest of the 6 BILLION people in the world against Jesus.


how the heck am i gonna tell people "yo, Jesus is a God of love.... He loves everyone man, that's why He died for your sins, don't you know?" when there you have, MR PRESIDENT, self proclaimed messager of God, killing off people, declaring war (ok technically Congress does that) on nations, making the rich richer and telling the poor get the fuck out of my country....


Jesus came to help those in need man.... Even in the Hebrew Bible... God has always been a God of mercy towards all who is in need, to the poor and the sick and the lame... God has ALWAYS had a place in His heart for the people in most need (all the way from Genesis man)... ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS His SECOND MOST COMMANDMENT to LOVE OTHERS as you Love yourself man................... God has always said whether it was in the Old testament or in the new testemant gosple of grace, that His PIORITY is NOT FOR YOU TO KILL YOUR ENEMIES but rather to love them, but RATHER to open your home to those who needs you!!!!

Sodom and Gomorrah... Sodom and Gommorah wasn't just destroyed because they were immoral, but also because there were not righteous people in the city... and by righteousness God meant that no one opened their homes to the foreingers who came to the city....

God told us to LOVE, man, that is HIS FIRST commandment... Mr. President... and all of you VERY VERY Christian republicans supporter of Mr. President.... do you see ANYTHING that the government today even remotely resembles love? Giving more money to the rich, making rich corporations even richer, being unforgiving to the enemies, waging wars in the name of what?!, enacting anti-immigrant laws because they make the nation poor (well duh! when all your money is drained towards the rich people and the corporations), putting POOR neighborhoods (the very neighborhoods you were COMMANDED BY GOD TO HELP) into even worse situation by turning financing away from them whether it's for healthcare or education...

do you think this is right? do you think waht you're doing is love? do you think serious, dude discard all your stupid conservative thinking and just think for a moment, if JESUS was here on earth, He'd be sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo incredibly happy with your actions?

i may not be close to my God these days because i have neglected to read my Bible and go to Church, but from the God i know, and love, and used to study, this is NOT what He had in mind as His definition of Love man........

i don't think i know the mind of God.... and i can't understand why Moses was so severely punished.... but I DO KNOW that God is a God of love, that iONE THING i have never doubted in Jesus....
and these days those who proclaim to be His servants, i really can't see the Love result of their actions man....... who do you help Mr President? is it not just yourself and people like you?

sometimes maybe God should obliverate us all...

God DID regret having appoint Saul as king of Isreal....

I wonder if God regrets this too?

*Republicans: not all yah.... i mean i know some friends who are republicans they're good people..


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