Wednesday, August 25, 2004
say what you want abt the american education system, but i feel that when it comes to practical majors like Journalism, Film, and what not, America is still the best place for such an education.
I don't know how it's like in Australian system but i sure as hell know that my school got it right in their department... and you feel it more and more the higher level you go.

It's the one place you can walk into the comp lab and see people writing scripts. i mean what the hell.

But not just that, more on the area that i am more familliar with is my own Journalism Department.

At (college student) ungodly hour of 8:30am, i step into my first Journalism practicum class. As "class" progressed it felt more like a newsroom morning conference where rules are laid out, assignments are handed out, problems are discussed, matters regarding stories are brought forward. Everything is so real. Every student has something assigned and are part of the newspaper as we speak. Lecturer gives a word of praise on the first issue of the new semester. good signs. for now.

Then right after that I walk into a broadcast writing class. Yes, working for a radio station. Time slots are open and you sign up for the time you can work there. Teacher tells you about the newsroom, BROADCAST newsroom this time. Soundbites, awards, interviews, etc.

Basically walking down the hallways of the school i realized that so little of what i learn come from text books. Are more so, they let you out there, and by hook or by crook they expect that after 2 journalism writing class, you're absolutely ready to be a journalist. As the broadcast teacher said... and i can't quote her cause i did not write down the exact quote but paraphrasing she said that basically by the end of the semester the grades we get are based on not just what we get in class but wheter she feels at the end of the semester we can actually go into an actual broadcast station and work there professionally. And if we are, then we'll get an A. If there are still things we need to learn, it's a B, and so fourth.

It's amazing sometimes. I wonder if this was what my father paid $300,000 for me to have that perhaps is what Malaysia cannot offer. The chance to not be a student but actually experience the two words of being a "professional" in your field of study yet still being a student having to juggle the schedule of your other classes with story assignments from your editor.

They say you can bullshit your way through an american degree cause so much of american education is about discussion... And the dicussion part is true. But i feel that's also the beauty of the american system. The teacher always, ALWAYS, asks "do you have any question?"... and it doesn't promote silence and rote learning as other system do. You can't get away... and i REPEAT this: YOU ABSOLUTELY CANNOT get away with a degree here by simply attending class... Not in my department anyway... Cause seriously, the higher level you go into either one of the emphasis offered by the Journalism department be it General Print, Broadcast, or PR, there is simply NO WAY you can bullshit yourself through the ACTUAL HANDS ON assignments, there are NOT MANY discussion classes you can bullshit yourself through, and there are really even LESS memorization classes you can spew your way through. The teacher is sure as hell right, in the Journalism Department of CSUN, you really CANNOT get through it half assed!

And this, is something you certainly CANNOT get in anywhere but America.. The lecturer walking up to each student in the class, shaking them and introducing herself to each student PERSONALLY. "Hi. i'm Evelyn, and you are?"

"I'm elaine loh"

yeap... and i'm suppose to be able to be a journalist by the end of this semester????

I certainly hope to God that i would because, i can't even seem to be able to arrange for an interview for my second assignment when it's due in LESS than a week *sigh*

yeah, it feels professional and most definitely hands on and stuff, but it's sure as hell Journalism is REALLY not my cup of tea man..............


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