Tuesday, August 03, 2004

I was walking my dog just now and i realized somewhere between the my mom's computer and my dog's poo that my dog's eagerness to go "walk" everyday is like my constant addiction to the internet to check my mail to email, chat, etc. Her pooing and peeing and all that is like her checking her mails and sending her replies. yeah. and her excitement to go "walk-walk" each day is like my own addiction to never being able to


WHY THE HELL DO PEOPLE LIKE WINNIE THE POOH????? CAUSE SERIOUSLY, HAVE YOU EVER WATCHED AN EPISODE OF POOH???? Winnie the Pooh is like the most depressing and SELF-LOATHING cartoon i've EVER watched. Screw the Grim Brothers, cause shit man, Pooh is the most self loathing shit EVER!!!! Eeore is the damn donkey does nothing but wallow in self pity, piglet is chicken shit and can't even stand up for himself, that rabbit is a conniving insecure bastard and Pooh himself is an over indulging air head! what the hell!!! I'll NEVER let my kids watch Pooh!


I've discovered the true meaning of Home. Somewhere between the runways of LA, Taipei and KLIA, I realized that real Home is where you know in your heart of hearts as a place that you can never leave behind forever because of all the things, people, places that you know you can't live without....

and by that definition, it sure as hell means that Malaysia is still truly, well... Home.


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