Monday, March 03, 2008

where is the life lost in living :P

some days i feel like i'm gonna be stuck here forever. today is one of such days.

I think Noel Gallagher was right. "You gotta make it happen".

Somehow i have a feeling that we're at where we're at because we didn't try hard enough (duh).

I love/hate listening to music sometimes, because it inspires me as well as it rebukes me, reading and seeing how these bands struggle and battle on in the pursuit of this thing that they love.

The messy guy in Lunkhead hahahaha, sometimes people like him, and also the bands I know and I've talked with, I really have this deep sense of admiration for them, a love tinged with a sense of self-realization. Maybe because i read about bands the most, so their stories are the ones i know best. But I absolutely have the utmost admiration for them, for having not the strength but the motivation, the drive, the love, the desire to KEEP pursuing, keep fighting, to keep singing and making music, despite everything, despite the 5 people in the crowd, despite not really anywhere after 10 long years, despite not knowing if they'd ever get anywhere-- because i feel that, they are unable to do anything else. That music calls them too strongly, and to leave and to abandon it is impossible...

I remember reading this one blog post by the messy guy in Lunkhead. He had watched the movie Hotel Rawanda and it spinned him into this philosophical debate on what the hell is he doing with his life while other people are suffering and dying out there and how easy it was for him to say he is helpless to change anything. Then he rebuked himself by questioning the value of the song of a man who, in the face of all these tragedies in the world, continues to sing instead of actively going out there to help these people. Yet at the end of the post, I loved what he wrote.... like a plead, he ended the post with, "Still, I want to sing. Please let me sing."

I think that line says so much, reflects so well, the force behind why they keep going and going and going and going....


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