I completely FORGOT Mikan Matsuri was YESTERDAY!
It's really crap to be stuck in Malaysia right now.... There are like thirty billion EXCITING stuff happening with Lunkhead in JAPAN.!
So they are having like LOADSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS of special lives.... WTF... Studio Coast Mikan Masturi Live (yesterday), Mikan Matsuri Niihama (albiet it's in Niihama but it's in NIIHAMA yooooo!!! HOMETOWN festival dude!!!! ANDDD you can even win a bandmember as prize!! wth!!), Special Lunkhead 2008 Tour Thank You show......................... BLAH!!!!!!!!!!
sigh... it's so sad to be a Lunkhead fan in Malaysia........................... away from Everything... Blahhhh feel like shooting myself in the gut...................... BLAH..!!!
I feel so sad..... Because, coz.... anyone who's a Lunkhead fan should be part of these historical "family" events........................ and I'm missing it............. So it's like................. I'm not considered a fan..... =( Coz i'm not there with everyone who is a fan........ =(
SUPER SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
maybe I should have waited to go to Japan this year.................
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