It's another one of those "wth........." Japanese Blood-A-type widgets!!! muahahha..
So basically, you make a color chart of the stuff you do/did each day!
This is the editor where you mark down the aprroximate time and then drag the colors into that time slot...
this is the color code for the activities!!
And then you save it and it comes out like this:
This is actually my PREDICTION strip for tomorrow's schedule!! muahahahahahaha....
Actually, it's quite BORING for someone like me, actually, coz i hardly do anything at all!! hahahahahha!!
Here's Saturday's:
Here's Today's:
MUAHAHAHAHAH... So seems like I SLEEP alot, go to work, and go online.. and THAT'S about my entire life!!!!!!
And there are DEFINITE colors that will NEVER appear on my chart..... Besides takign care of children, you definitely won't see "sports" in there!!!
They even have a month view!!!
It's not complete coz i can't remember what I did prior to Thursday!!............
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