GREAT FAILURE is that they indicated that................................. Lunkhead photobook would probably NOT be sold online............ blah....
And, I've decided to tell Tsuyoshi not to have to bother to ask his friend to get the book on my behalf.... I feel really bad for always asking him for favours and having him do stuff for me.... I think a friendship is more important than a band.......
So.... here's three more item to be added to the Lunkhead Unattainable List:
and... most of all............... ='(((((
sigh....... *ouch* it hurts.... :(
I hope someone will sell it online though I bet you prices are gonna be inflated sky high....
oh well :( *so sad* ='(
Yeah... the problem is not with continuing to support Lunkhead.... The problem is that I can't stop!!
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