Friday, April 25, 2008
sometimes there is no utopia... doesn't matter where you go or what you do, there'll always be something that's not quite right, or perfect...

i guess i have not been updating much lately, coz really, i suppose there's nothing much to say.... don't feel like saying anything even....

life in summary:

1) I got the job offer from SriKDU, thanks to GOD!...... I'll probably accept.
2) Got an interview with Help today... but it's in Klang.. so I'm not too keen but lets see what God says..

Anyway, quite depressed today...

I'm not sure where God wants me to go... But... i really don't feel like staying in MCKL anymore.... I wrote an SMS to Phooi Wah today, and I think that really summarizes how i feel and why I want to leave.

You know, they hired me here as lecturer, and actually, I really don't mind and even like the teaching program here. BUT it's because of all the unreasonable ADMIN WORK bullshit that makes me totally unhappy about the situation working here. I think that's so stupid and it's such a waste. I mean FINE, if you want me to be a good teacher then TEACH ME to be a good teacher! Not make me do various other ADMIN work under the guise of "teaching me" about responsibilities! I think if i want to be a better teacher, and you think I can be a good teacher, you should give me training in TEACHING and NOT make me do like all these other various bullshit and tell me it's helping me!
Well it DOES help me in a way, butttt!! it's NOT helping me grow and learn to be an educator! As a teacher I feel i am so inedequate and I need help! The areas that i ACTUALLY NEED help in, the management is TOTALLY ignoring.

Screw admin work man!!! What the hell is THAT teaching me about how to be a good teacher???? wth! And what i need to learn now is HOW to be a good teacher.

it's so damn stupid. and it's so such a waste!

ANyway, I am pissed off and.... I am depressed..

I really wish... and i keep feeling as if I just wanna go to Japan to see Lunkhead live, and I'll be happy, and things will be fine.. and I'll feel like I have the strength to go on.... But really......... is that ever enough?

Anyway... here's the video of Canaria Vox.......... I've included it because it's a happy song, and a very very happy video.......... And..... we all need some happiness sometimes...

(thank you Ame for the video on YouTube ^__^)
oh.. and Yoshitaro is really cute in the video!! hehehe <3


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