Saturday, March 06, 2010
I think the worst feeling a teacher can feel is to feel that he or she has failed his or her students.

 want to help them, actually. I really want to help them to succeed.

And I am sad, I am sad because I know, sometimes, there are a lot of things I still don't know. Not the class material, but more of like the method to deliver the content in the best way possible that fits the students. But each session is different, each class has different dynamics. That makes the whole thing even harder. A method that may have worked with one class may completely fail in another, because every student is different, and every class is different.

Still, I want to do my best for them. I think, that's the only thing I can do for them. That is, to try do my best. To read the dynamics of the class, to learn from them, to learn from feedback and analysis of the class' progress, and with that, to adapt my teaching style, the method of delivery and the class content to fit the class.

Of course, this is still easier said than done when each session only lasts 32 contact hours or just a month.

I want to do my best. I want to be a good teacher. A good teacher where... my students can truly learn and grow in class.

I wish I will one day become such a teacher.


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