Wednesday, September 26, 2007

the end of something

So nigel left today...... actually he's leaving in about an hour........ probably left by the time i actually press click and post this up.....

Hummmmm.... I dunno........ I'm sad he's leaving coz there's no nigel around anymore to joke with or be teased by or to do things with.

And actually, also, I feel sad and kinda having this nostalgic feeling coz it feels like with his leaving it's the end of a phase in my life.... The phase of my life that started when I started work at MCKL back in January.... Somehow I feel like Nigel's departure is like the bookend to that phase in my life, when i first started work there in January.

I remember when i first sat in the conference room and Ms Moey just hired me, and one of the first things she told Mrs. Tan was "and pass her Nigel's number"--- BAAAAHHHHH i had a bad feeling about it from that moment on! hahahahaha.

Anyway, i was listening to my playlist today, and I suppose the songs that reminds me the most about those early days is Lunkhead's Sakura Biyori....

It was back in Feb/March and I just got to know Nigel then... and it was when Mayuko came to visit (I think i met Nigel the first time on OB Nite Feb 15th and Mayuko came around Feb 18th). It was during midsemester break and I was asked to go to college everyday to "do meet up with Nigel to do Vision". Memory is abit fuzzy now, but I think I remembered I lost my IC and all that stuff and Nigel knew and I was complaining to him about it and Daniel was teasing me about it-- but I did meet up with Nigel in that three weeks........ a total of probably...... TEN MINUTES.... WTH.

Anyway, Mayuko bought me the Sakura Biyori single when she came, so that whole period in time, I was listening to Sakura Biyori (I think 90 plays in 1 week)... So it really marked that part of my life... When u know, going to college in the morning was so tranquil and nostalgic and beautiful, i suppose, cast off in this pale shade of sunlight in the morning as i drove and walked through Brickfields....

I remember I was listening to alot of Lunkhead at that time, and I was also doing the fanmail abit for Lunkhead.... That was all around March/early April.... I remember I asked Nigel to write the address for the fanmail for me.... and he told chee woh that i was crazy coz "she ask me to write the address then she wanted to write his name herself... wth"

I remember chasing Nigel alot also....... to do like... WORK. Coz he was always running away from me. And also he never does what I ask him to do... I think there were a billion times I have written those "NIGEL PLEASE DO THIS" notes... and out of the 5 on the list, only 2 or 3 would be done and only partially. wth =_=

I remember once i chased him to the canteen, once chased him till i stalked him out at the chem lab, once chased him down to the basketball court... Until their trials when I think he stopped bothering to run away..... coz for some reason at that period, whereever i walked to, HE WAS ALWAYS THERE... Like I'd go up to the libaray and he'd be there... I walk out of the library and we're done with our 5 min meeting, we'd bump into each other again 5 mins later... Or when I walk out of the staff room, i'd see him and his friends at the corridor.... Or once, when I finished my meeting with him, he went out to eat, I went to the staffroom... And just when i came out and I thought "hmm want to ask Nigel this"... I popped into the student lounge nad THERE HE WAS... i rememeber him saying "Wth!! I just got back man! like just sat down 5 seconds!".... DUDEEEE finally our radar was honed in on the target!

Anyway, also... why they mean so much to me was also coz... This was all around April... like midApril around April 12... And I remember I was really depressed about the direction of my life at that time, and I was just really depressed u know.....

But it was also around then that I got to know Nigel and his friends... First was Chee Woh...

I remember that weekend I was deprssed and wrote and email to Nigel about youth and all... And I remember the Thursday after that weekend I totally didn't see Nigel and I told Mrs. Tan that he probably didn't come to college... On Friday i finally saw Nigel in the library with his friend and he told me that he WAS in college... but he thought I wanted to see him on Thurs, so he ran away from me and Mrs Tan altogether.

I remember then, I had the Lunkhead cellphone strap on my phone and Nigel asked "what the hell is LUNKHEAD?" and I remember Chee Woh who was with him at that time, answering "it's a japanese band"... and I immiediately pounced on him for his MSN email wuahahahahahaha.

Anyway... from there CW and i started to hang out abit... The first time was me taking him and CHi CHing home........ I remember like, I think, by this time they (Nigel and CW) were insulting me quite abit already hahahaha...

Anyway it's a whole LOAD of memories from then on... Like the first time we were in the student lounge and talking about BLEACH with CW and Ken... and I remember cw was swinging around this wooden stick and we were like "bankai" here and there... Then Nigel was insulting us about animes being cartoons..... LO AND BEHOLD, a week later, he downloaded Bleach, was watching it and wanted the whole load so i pinjamed him Dez's copies and he finished 76 episodes in 3 days........ Not to mention, he fell sick after that hahahaha... and thus... VISION was left unfinished hahahahaha. Mannn if Vision screws up... i think the both of us combo together brought it to hell..!

Anyway... then i remember they ALWAYS insulted Lunkhead as "shithead" and also I remember cw saying to me about the fanmail "AS IF THEY ARE GONNA READ IT or even GET IT. they probably get like TONS if they do."

And i remember meeting Ken once or twice and call him the "good one"...... NOOOOOOO he's not but, well, u know, actually, he quite is.

I remember i was in the student lounge damn lot from then on hahahahaha.... Yeah.... PRODUCTIVITY WENT DOWN BY LIKE 75% and I THINK IT'S STILL STUCK AT THAT DECREASED LEVEL!! WUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA..... But you know..... I got to know them more, and this whole "ride" started really... around April 19th... Right at that time I really felt depressed about life... it was like just right after that weekend I wrote and sent that email to Nigel that I got to know them.... and they saved me, you know at that time... and opened up this chance for me to live this life, experience these experiences that I have in the past 5 months... And, you know, it's all been great...!

Then I think... I got to know Kheng Li... It was their last day of school "officially"... Or I think it's the day we handed over the Ed Board... I think it was like May 25th or something and we had a meeting for the new board... Nigel was really shy and refused to come up in front to talk... I remember we were chatting abt the meeting the night before and he was asking if i was gonna be there and all coz he didn't wanna go at it alone... TURNS OUT I WAS THE ONE CONDUCTING THE MEETING... and he just sat behind with Ken and kept teasing and disturbing..... We were using Ms Lim's class and damn i can just imagine them in Ms Lim's class causing trouble hahaha...

Then I remember, cheng dar calling me "penguin" coz i looked like one =_=

Then I got to know the juniors... and I got to know Vince also during their study break...... (wuahahaha using him to get Nigel to give me stuff!!!)

Although well... NIGEL TOTALLY DIDN'T chill out till like after his exams finished... He was SOOOOOOOOOOO damn tempremental before I came back from Japan... Like he'd NEVER reply SMSes and TOTALLY avoid me sometimes (TO AVOID VISION WUAHAHAHAH).... then when i came back from Japan... MIRACLE! I sms him and cw when i got to KLIA and he ACTUALLY replied back something good wuahahah and said he'd meet me in college the next day... WTH!!! Nigel annoucing his presence!!! MIRACULOUS! hahahaha....

Anyway... I guess VISION gone, he was WAYYY more chilled la...

And well... the rest is history!


The point to all these is that............ I guess that's why Nigel means something to me, or is important to this whole period of my life....

All i can say is that, all these things... all these memories... from Vision failure hahahahha to all the times in the student lounge, to all the mamaks, A&Ws, pasar malams, parties, Wii, Burger King, McD, CC, BBQ nite, Grad Nite, Sports Carnival, Movies, KLIA, long rides to nowhere...... These were all what made working in MCKL and the past 9 months since returning from America and working in MCKL, these are what made this whole time so great... and memorable, you know, and a period in my life I do not regret because I got to meet all these great people, and experience such wonderful things with them....... And you know, I feel,.... It was all from NIGEL.... because he really was the first student and ONLY A Level student I knew... and from him, i got to know his friends and got to be part of this awesome crowd, know these awesome people, and lived these awesome events... It's all from Nigel you know.... Because he was the first, because he was the catalyst, and because he was the one who made ALLL these other thing possible....

And all i can say is well.... Thanks, Nigel... Thanks.

My regret right now? Is that I didn't go to the student lounge on Monday when Nigel came to coll.... We were at the canteen then we went upstairs and he went to the student lounge... I thought I'd leave him there abit.... I didn't check my phone but later I saw he sent me an SMS asking me to go to the lounge.... It's the last time that'd ever happen you know, and I know how life works out... You should always seize whatever moments life presents to you, because u know, second times never do come again....

But i don't regret.. Went to midvalley after college to meet him there... I was really tired but that's what i told myself... I knew well enough that when phases past, u can never relive a past... So whatever moments that come, we should take it... And did that...

Then we went to pasar malam that night with Kheng Li and had ramli after that...

Then yesterday we went out again for Ramli with CW and KL... just sat in the car outside 7-11 eating ramli and hehehehehehehehe insulting nigel over his being so soft when it comes to his girlfriend hehehehe... and also about him crying when he was looking at his 3 year old cousin play... I love what cw said.. damn great! "if she gave u a rock u'd also say it's soft, fluffy and nice" hahahahahahahahaha DAMN GREAT CW!!!!

Anyway.... today went over to Nigel's house around 5..... to get my CDs back and also to give him the Adobe CD....... just stood around watching the files transfe and watching him pack... Kinda awkward coz his mom and dad was there and u know laaaaaa all the fussing abt kids before they leave home hehe... And also his grandpa came over...

But anyway.

So yeah.

Goodbye boss/honey/ki-shen/"favorite person"/Nigel hahaha...

K la, it's been great.... I suppose, it's abit different now...

Kinda sad not just a phase passing but... well.... No more nigel to sms =( and DANGGGG he's been the only one replying my SMS lately and actually SMSing me about stuff!! aaaaaaaaaaa!! TRAGIC! hahahaha miraculous more like it! ;)

Anyway, gem beneath the mud and $h!t huh? Well, it's more than a gem =) Really, there really is much much more... =) ............. LIKE CRYING NIGEL!! wuahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha hehehehe damnn kenot stopp laughing lleeeeee he really got a weak spot! hahahahaha a REALLYYY weak spot to add to that hahahahaha

K la jokes side... =)

ONE MORE GOODBYE TO GO: SEAH MIN KEN! -a.k.a. the "good" one!-

-LOOOOOOONG post huh? I got more to say before i forget the memories but....-


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