Now that goodbyes to students and staff and departments have been said, it's time to say goodbye to the place and feelings and memories attached to it.
I love mornings in Brickfields. And somehow, it's even more nostalgic if I am looking at the morning sky and watching the waking streets listening to Lunkhead or Tsubaki...
I guess I really love the nostalgic feeling that mornings in Brickfields give me. It always reminds me of my childhood, i suppose, and oddly, it also reminds me of the mornings or perceived mornings in Japan. It's weird but it's true and it's a feeling I really love, a feeling that I will come to miss.
I'm sad that when I leave, I won't be able to see the sun rise over the city again, and I won't feel again these feelings that warm my heart and remind me of a place farther away. I'm sad to know I will probably lose touch of this nostalgia of the city and be enclosed in the sterility of the suburbs.... And it's this nostalgic warmth in my heart that I feel sad to say goodbye to...
I guess that's why I love the mornings here. It's just different you know. And it always reminds me of a different place and a different time, and an ideal, a dream feeling.
And these are the feelings that I don't want to lose in leaving.
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