Are you unable to move?
Still, do you try to advance by some means?
Such as to be living without meaning, without crying,
because it is safe.
It is uneasy, scary, and it feels weak at the knees.
Still, turning to face ahead.
Because I sincerely think that it is true strength.
The one step where you begin to walk hesitatingly, someone has hesitatingly walked more than 100 kilometers too,
because it is safe,
There is no difference in how significant it is.
While hesitating, while fragile
Still, turning to face ahead.
I sincerely think that it is true strength.
While hesitating, while fragile
While still turning to face ahead,
While eyes are swelled,
While wiping tears,
While gazing only ahead,
While stumbling,
While struggling,
At times you turn around to the back,
You take a rest, rely on, lean against someone.
After that, its good to continue to push ahead.
And Like all things we've learnt in life, we move on, life goes on, the sun also rises, and that tomorrow that you didn't want to come has dawned, and has ended to become one of the many yesterdays.
There was many things I wanted to say about leaving... But I suppose I'll just leave it at that.
I will miss the morning and the sunrises. I will miss the nostalgia of the place. I will miss the placid and sweet memories of the times I had there with the department, with the events, and with the people: lunches, classrooms, awards night, barbecue night, sports carnival, chatting in the library, the student lounge, the view from the third floor and all those days we came early or stayed back late, in the sunrise and in the sunset. And I shall definitely miss the students very much.
I guess... Brickfields will always have a special place in my heart... And I guess to list all the things that I remember of the place, of MCKL, and of the great people I met in MCKL, would be abit too long and abit too much..... But I do know that I miss them all very much.
I wonder if the sky is still the same sky. I know it is.... but the feelings are always different, isn't it? The sky in America is the same as the sky here, yet, I can't even remember anymore how the sky looked when I was there. The sky in Japan is different from the sky in Brickfields but yet in the morning light, it always reminds me of sunsets in Japan.... I wonder will it ever feel the same again, now that I can't ever see the lights of the sky against the city as it rises...?
I took a pic from my car where i used to park when I first started... I really like that view because you can see the sunrise really pretty against Kuen Cheng school.... And the second pic is of the sunrise as seen from the second floor... The third is of MGS... because I thought, when the new building is constructed, we won't ever get to see this view of MGS again....
And also, with the students on Friday.... I guess... it's fine to leave now, since 0701 is leaving too.... Since I joined the college just 2 weeks after they started, now I'm leaving 2 weeks before they end.... And.... you know, I remember meeting Daniel, Adrian, Melvin and Michael when everything was just fresh and new back in Church in December when i first came back.... And so much has changed since then.... so much has been lost, and so many other things have been formed.... but now... it all ends....
It was really wonderful for Vanessa to set the whole dinner up and got people to go. I'm really happy that Rachel was so wonderful to come after she had said she couldn't make it... I'm also really happy that Ean Wearn (eh is dat how to spell her name??) took the time though she initially might not be able to make it... Also, for Vivian, Chun Kit and Shu Xin who was also not keen on coming but came in the end also. For Benjamin and Ee Yun too for being kind enough to take the time... And of course, I'm really happy that Daniel took the time to come and it was nice to see him and talk with him again =) I' feels really nice to be with him like before again....
Thank you, everyone.... I wrote it back in August last year, you're what makes MCKL so great, and my time there was never wasted because of you, because of all of these.... Thank you....
With Everyone...
Ean Wearn, Vanessa...
Strangers =__________= ......... the fat one and the thin one.
I guess.... MCKL and the memories of MCKL mean so much to me because.... MCKL was the only thing that was there in my life after America... Since I came home, there was that three months. But after that, since then, all my memories of America is all tied and associated with Methodist College.... So, really, I guess, I really don't know of a life in Malaysia other than the life I had in MCKL..... So, then, here ends the life I knew after America, and something else now begins.
This is Saigo no Uta (Last Song) by Radwimps.... I remember I really liked Radwimps back in March... and one day I drove really early to college on Saturday, and it was raining REALLY heavily.... The gate wasn't opened yet and I was sitting in my car outside under the rain and the song was raining.... So, actually, Radwimps' songs really reminds me of that month.....
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