They've been wonderful. I mean, sure we complain alot at times... but this is one place that there's no office politics and people don't backstab each other or anything. Everyone truly is friends with everyone else.
And it was wonderful meeting and learning from Ms Lim, Mrs Sharma, Mr Ratna, Mrs Chiu, Mrs Dharma, Mr Ganesan. I really enjoyed talking to them very much. And they've all looked out for me and adviced me in one way or another, especially Ms Lim and Mr Ganesan, as well as, Mrs Sharma and Mrs Dharma.... It was really nice talking to Mr Ratna about geology last June and with Mrs Chiu about various things...
It has been really nice working here with them... And I especially enjoy the times when I could talk to them... They've been incredibly nice to me and I pray for God's blessing to be on them and their families....
So.. Thank you Mr Ganesan for always being so kind to me. Thank you Ms Lim for always looking out for me and helping me. Thank you Mrs Sharma and Mr Ratna. Thank you everyone...
∞エダマメ!!! Mugen Edamame!!!!
Apparently, it's some kind of fad now in Japan but not that that matters!! It's so cute!!! Isshiki-san posted a pic of his??? on the Tsubaki blog, so i saw it and it was sooooooooo cute!!!!!!! LOOK!!!
I guess it's called Mugen Edamame coz... it's really mugen huh??? You can pop it forever... hahaha......... (that sounded WRONG)
It's by the same people who made the infinite bubble wrap.... haha!
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