Tuesday, May 20, 2008


This one's about Tsuki to Tenohira....

I think, this is the only song that in my life, I've heard almost 1000 times. I'm not exaggerating. Yet, yet... listening to it on my brother's newly bought $2000 music system yesterday, the beauty of the song still touches my heart and almost makes me cry... as if it was my very first time listening to it...

I'm still looking for the best pair of earphone/sound system, to listen to the song. I really want to hear it exactly like how Lunkhead intended it to be listened to. I want to listen to it the most beautiful way possible. I want to listen to it in a way that would faithfully represent the power and beauty and soul that is encapsulated in the song. I want to to listen to the song in a way that I would be able to touch its heart.

I've still not been able to find a sound system good enough for that!!

There have been many songs in my life.... And after listening to Tsuki to Tenohira so much, sometimes part of me, I am abit sick of listening to the song casually.... But..... but..... when I really sit down, quietly, close my eyes and listen...... the song is simply just so..... beautiful.... Really....

I don't know how to describe the song... I don't know how to describe the feeling that I feel when I truly listen to it... except to say that.... it's just this sense of beauty that just captures me... like my heart is being wrapped by a really really beautiful sadness...

It's like his voice just sings within... and the music that flows around... and the silence of his guitar and his voice....

I wrote this in an email to Phooi Wah:

"Actually, you know why I love Tsuki to Tenohira so much? Because when he sings the song, he sings it with meaning, like it's sung from his heart.. With Tsuki to Tenohira, it's not just because the music is beautiful but because... the song has soul. It's like... sure it's in Japanese, and I can't understand anything at all.... But, you know, the feeling from his heart reaches out to me..."

Maybe I am wrong and the song means nothing at all to Odaka-san.... But.... Really... I feel that this song is very different, different from their other songs. It's on a level of its own because of that.... because it's not just music.... it's melody, melody sung and played from the heart to hearts....

And it's this soul i wish to touch and capture and hold in my heart.... but it is this soul that touches, captures and holds my heart everytime I listen to this song, even when I play it for the 1000th time....

Odaka-san has said before that the whole album Tsuki to Tenohira album was made to capture the feeling of 「みんなきっと少しだけ人より幸せになりたいだけ」(Perhaps everyone wants to be a little bit happier than other people)... I wonder what he meant by that......

I really really wish I knew what Tsuki to Tenohira truly means... not just the lyrics translation (thanks to Norika)... but, you know, where does its heart come from? What is the essence that envelopes this song?

I think, to me that is why I've still not got bored of this song... because, I feel... it has life.


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