Well... he's still in love/hung up over his girlfriend. And i really want him to make up with his girlfriend when he gets back to Japan, you know. And I really can't understand why he's being so negative about the whole aspect of it. I mean i am sure when he meets here again next month, she's gonna remember how much she loves him and misses him and everything will be okay again... It's just that he looked so sad yesterday it's so shitty... i like happy akio, not sad akio and he was really sad yesterday...
Today he's abit better but he seemed colder today..
I don't know i guess the whole fact that i am NOT japanese, i will always be held at an arm's length, you know what i mean? Cause i mean, if he could turn to a japanese friend to tell his problems to and bear his soul without needing to think hard about how to phrase it and the words to use, why should he be coming to me to talk to, you know? I guess i am sad about that part that i can't understand Japanese on my part....
Anyway, it's just that he's a really thoughtful guy, and things that he does, sometimes even exceeds my expectations... which amazes me, cause damn, i am a demanding girl you know!!!
Like how he brought me lunch first... and then how he caught my hint (or at least well maybe he wanted to go watch a movie too) but the point is that he did call me up to ask if i wanted to go for a show... And also him actually calling me that night after i texted message him that i was feeling sad... And also like yesterday i was quite sad/depressed/pissed that he didn't even msg me while i was online after i knew he picked up the ecard i sent him... i mean, i wasn't asking for anything in return, not even for him to acknowledge it, but just for him to msg me to say HI at least, you know... but he didn't... and i was really sad.... BUT THEN, he actually CALLED me instead later that night! so that was really nice ^^
ouh well... elaine, don't mistake niceness for anything more than that... being nice... especially since Akio is a very thoughtful and polite guy to begin with, you know-- =)
I don't know... he's sweet in some ways... and in many other ways i am just barking up the wrong tree again.
I dun like these two pics of Akio cause he looks much cuter when he smiles... Too bad there's that stupid japanese notion that cool is when you don't smile. But screw it, i told Akio to get me pics of him smiling and he said he'd send it soon... he better remember.
how is Akio sweet and Elaine such a bitch?
Perfect Example was today. I was giving Akio a damn hard time because he didn't have the time this weekend to meet me. And i wouldn't listen to his reasons (i did listen but i still merajuk anyway) and i wouldn't let him redeem himself... Then i kinda hung up on him when he called me later... elaine bitch bitch bitch... he sounded so polite "sorry i can't go" and "thanks for inviting me"... gosh.... But anyways....
And then tonite i called him around 11:15pm cause i wanted to check on something with him. He didn't pick up the phone... Then when i got home he was online and i msged him.... He replied... And then after that i asked him "And why didn't you pick up my call????".... 30 seconds later, he calls. goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... so damn nice. gosh elaine so damn demanding... And then i found out that he didn't go to see Ami sing tonight, because he said he didn't feel like it, which made me feel like crap cause it's an indication all is not well with Akio... cause i know he's the type of friend who wouldn't let a friend down simply because, you know... and he didn't go for Ami's concert... so that's very unlike Akio.... *sigh*
So yeah, elaine's a real bitch...
Btw... yesterday i was quite hurt he didn't msg me back when i msged him online... And i also felt he was kinda avoiding me cause i msged him and his nick was Away, but then later i saw it was turned into Be Right Back.... so i got abit hurt and mad over that (i am such a sensitive bitch).... And then today when i called him for lunch the first thing that he did was apologize and explained to me why he didn't reply.... goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... Akio!!! why are you such a nice guy???? ouh man...
I should BE LESS A BITCHHHHH.... poor akio...
akio e,
Hey, i just want to say sorry because i am always so demanding to you... I know that you probably don't need any more trouble so I'm really sorry that sometimes i treat you very bad... for example i get upset if u don't call me back, or i get upset cause we can't go for lunch, etc, YOU KNOW ME!!! ^^;; sorry...
Actually you make me very happy because you're always very thoughtful. Really! Cause like, you always call back and you always apologize, you always try to accompany me if you are free,etc... Even though sometimes forget something i asked you, but it is not intentional. So thank you very much... sorry that sometimes I don't treat you with the same kindness...
Anyways, I'm glad i met you. I guess i keep demanding alot your time because i enjoy talking with you... and since you're going to be going back to Japan for good soon, i probably won't have the chance to talk to you face to face again... so that's why.
Well ok... please take care of yourself okay. Everytime you sound tired or sad makes me worry about you and makes me sad to hear you like that... I hope are alright... And, you look good enough already. kakkoikunarimashita (eh, i hope that sentence is correct ^^;;).... SO, please don't need to exercise so much anymore ok?? Take care of yourself yah...
Anyway, sorry again that i am very demanding on you sometimes. Sorry.
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