Made two icons over the weekend....
One of Odaka-san (Lunkhead)... and another of Isshiki-san (つばき\Tsubaki)....
ODK Hello
(hmmm Canaria Vox screencap...)
Isshiki Heart
(magazine cut-out... such a waste... There are very few nice Isshiki-san pictures... Should make a good icon for each rare ones!)
And............ as I promised... a cute picture of Yoshitaro~~~~
Lookie man... he's so damn cute here. I really think he's really cute in this pic. Nice smile, so friendly, calm, and DAMN CUTE YO~~~ *****ahhh my heart****
I don't care what people say about him being messy or looking nerdy sometimes... He's damn cute when he's cute.
But as Yamashita-san said 「かわいいじゃないよ。かっこいよ。」 I remember during the Ebisu live, some guy shouted out and teased Yamashita-san when he was tuning the guitar. "Kawaii~" the guy screamed. And Yamashita-san laughed and said "Kawaii janai yo. Kakkoi yo" (Implying "it's not cute, it's cool".) *yeeeeaaaahhh it was one of those RARE moments i ACTUALLY understood what was going on in the live =___='' *
BUT ANYWAY! Yoshitaro is cute here.... Kakkoi janai yo... Kawaii... hahahaha damn I'd be shot dead for saying that! Gomen!
Anyway, I feel weird when I romanized Tsubaki to refer to the band... Coz, the band IS identified with the hiragana 『つばき』...
Like Isshiki-san introduced in the TunTunTsubaki radio show jingle: 「漢字じゃないよ 英語じゃないよ ひらがなで つばきだよ」. See, even Isshiki-san said it, "it's not kanji, it's not English (i suppose he meant romaji), it's in hiragana Tsubaki yo..."
hehehe... ^___^
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