Made 3 more icons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (ok, it's actually two)
I FINALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY!!! had the inspiration and was able to complete the icon which I wanted the text "I like you the way you are".... In the end it was Isshiki-san's picture that I used.... When I was scanning the pics, I had an inkling I might use that pic and I did....
HOWEVER, too bad, I'm not done with it yet. I have some final touch up to do on the text shading and all...
However!!! I am done with the other two!
AGAIN, it's one of Yoshitaro, and another of Isshiki-san.
ODK Love Me
OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK~~~ BEFORE you complain about "wtf kind of a pic is this??" YEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH~~ The base was really lousy to begin with. Like Jarod say "You can't photoshop a picture into something if the information is not even in the picture."
Actually, it was JAROD who helped me make Yoshitaro's face contrast more and turned it grey as I asked him to.
The original scan was this:
Isshiki-san Take Me Home
Errrrr......... From those cats and dogs shelter adoption programs??? I dunno~~!!! He likes cats and dogs, so I was thinking like u know, lil lost puppy cute irresistible kind of "Take Me Home!". ^_______^
I think next time I should scan the pictures in on a higher resolution. The quality was really terrible this time round.
So! I'm looking through all the magazine clippings and find a good suitable picture! But most of the pics are all frontal shots, typical photoshoot kind of pics. So, it's really hard to get nice icons out of them. Also like, since I listen to alot of Japanese songs these days and CANNOT UNDERSTAND A GREAT DEAL OF IT!!! I don't have any inspiration either for the text captions for icons. SO! damn! I've got nothing to make!
I still want to make the Yoshitaro "I'm not a god" icon though! But that pic is too damn awesome to screw up making a lousy icon with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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