Monday, October 22, 2007

So i was downloading songs with my brother's Napster's account today... I thought I go get all the albums i wanted to get... SO i was checking out all the bands that I used to listen to alot... a.l.a. BN, TBS, STD, etc... those lot and follow the trail from there from Brand New, to Moneen to Midtown, to Hey Mercedes, to Recover, to the June Song, to dude like basically the WHOLE SCENE....(and yeah it's true ONE band will lead to EVERY OTHER band!! hahaha)

Man..... shit.... all the songs really sound back to 2002/2003/2004.... I really wish i had checked some of the bands back then like the June Song back in 2002 when i was listening to those type of sounds.... But dude, the whole lot really brings back memories of nights out at Troubador and MOST OF ALL of LUIS... Dude it was like EVERY band that he had ever recommended to me back in 2003 and some that we saw together like Moneen, Hot Rod Circuit, etc... Dude, all i can think of is Luis dancing away in the mosh pit...

Dude that said... I think.... I can't go back to those sounds again.. Not that this point... I suppose, our taste do evolve, as much as I am still playing songs from very old playlists... there are, sadly, songs and sounds that you DO outgrow, no matter how much those songs and sounds are tied to cherished moments and memories...

Kinda sad though, that that's over now...

It's so surreal to hear my 13 year old cousin say, "MCR is my favourite band"

You know, everytime someone mentions MCR and how they love Black Parade, it just brings me back to that night back in 2003 in Santa Monica after a show and we were with Luis and his friends... And there was this girl there, I forgot her name... And that night I remember under the yellow glow of streetlights, she showed us her MCR tattoo with lyrics on her wrist... I remember how she talked about how she went over to the east coast to see MCR and they just thought that she was so crazy to go all the way to see them coz they were practically unknown at that time... And she showed them their tattoo and they thought that was just so crazy that someone loved them so much to do something like that... I remember her eyes and how she showed and shied her tattoo away, with that silent consuming adoration in her eyes and the quiet of her voice as she smoothen the surface of that burning obession for her band.

So, everytime someone mentions how much they love MCR, the image of her tattoo underneath that yellow glow comes to my mind...

And it's even more surreal to hear my 13 year old cousin utter the words:

"I love emo."



that's the way life goes.

5 years ago no one wanted to listen to ANY of these bands... then suddenly, 6 years flash forward, every kid in college likes emo suddenly (just coz of MCR)... HELL, who'd have thought even my 13-year-old cousin! You could have knocked me down with a feather--- and here i was trying to force people to listen to the songs 6 years ago... NOW even my 13-year-old cousin...

and guess what... damn, now i don't even listen to the songs anymore!!!

Such a tragedy really...


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