so yeah. it's abit of a hard task ne? ANYWAY! So i was trying to choose some today, but it felt damn obsessive ok!!!! So instead of choosing just odaka, i decided to choose the pics I liked best of each member of Lunkhead.
I had in mind for Sou and Satoru but Ryou was abit hard coz he is always enthusiastic in pics... seems like every pic of him is representative of who he is anyway...
BUT ANYWAY... So i went to Ryou's blog to look for his pics... THEN I CAME ACROSS A SERIES OF PICS.... They were really cute and funny but I wasn't sure if it was YOSHITARO!!!!! (sorryla... really... it's sad to say but sometimes, i really CANNOT recognize him... seems like he change faces according to haircut or something =_=)...
SO I CONSULTED the expert opinion of Jarod!! For his artistic comparison of known Yoshitaro pictures with the unknown subject picture.
And here is he results:
I just asked for opinion and he gave like a FACIAL analysis!!! WTHHHHHHHHH =________=
ANYWAY! SO! It's Yoshitaro!!!!! wuahahahahhaha.
Anyway, here are the pics:
Yamashita Sou. Sou has some funny pics but I really like this picture of Sou. I thought he's so cool in this pic =)
Gouda Satoru. Here's Satoru!!!! It's a screencap from Sakura Biyori PV... Satoru is actually damn funny in the band...!!
Ishikawa Ryou!! Here's typical Ryou!! He's really enthusiastic and looks really happy all the time!! ^^
Here's Yoshitaro!! hehehehe.... Actually, seems like Yoshitaro doesn't take many pictures like on the blogs and stuff, actually... He usually takes pic of others, so it's really hard to find pics of him on the blogs sometimes... But anyway! If Jarod's analysis is correct... This is Odaka-kun~!
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