Elaine said, "depressed" says:
ur a real nice dude actually... worrying over dez, not minding mom calling u over ur brothers, cooking for your brother... how thoughtful hm.
Nige says:
thanx. it just really doesnt seem 2 bother me... feel like if deres a chance i can help some1 without 2 much hinderance 2 my own life, den i will. n if dey ask 4 help, havent turn 2 many people away yet.
Elaine said, "depressed" says:
awww... that's really nice. cause not alot of ppl are like that. in dis world.
Nige says:
yea, i know... dats another reason i do it. Figured i may only b 1 of a few, but dats still another person. Losin battle, but some1s gotta do somethin in dis crappy hell hole..
Elaine said, "depressed" says:
awwww shite and ur the person huh!
Elaine said, "depressed" says:
i like u tho like ur attitude...
yeah ler, nige.... i like u.... just had to tag that "like ur attitude" thing there to buffer d shock and horror if u truly discovered d truth.
wish u wouldn't leave.... =)
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