Sometimes (ESPECIALLY TIMES LIKE THESE) i wonder why i ever EVER EVER left California.... Goshhhh, is that $1500 a month i make really THAT worth it.
Everytime i walk out of the house, my fingers are so numb from the cold, i can't even feel them anymore. And this is just by walking out of the house WEARING GLOVES even. (if you don't know how this feels like, just try melting a piece of ice in your hands, that's how NUMB FROM COLD feels like).
Everyday i am wearing AT LEAST four to five layers of clothing and STILL, i am PERPETUALLY cold. And when i say perpetually, i mean perpetually: at home, in the streets, walking around, sitting in the train, waiting at the train station, in the office, etc. Where there is no heater turned up full blast, i am ALWAYS COLD.
And can you believe this is NOT EVEN the BEGINING yet???
Ouh gosh..... God, help me.
btw, forcasted SNOW and RAIN and WIND on Wednesday and Thursday, gosh, i dread to even think abt it.
Screw this place mannnnn why the hell do people even LIVE in places like these???? Gosh, have they NOT heard abt a place called CALIFORNIA????
btw, i noticed that 90% of my posts lately are abt nigel, huh? well, here's a different one then hehe :-D
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