well... godma's godson called FIRST. was suppose to call him to try to get some sort of a job with Reuters.
it's abit sad but true... the newsroom is a very exciting place to be. And part of me do wish i could be in one and excell like hell in this field. It's not that i am a naturally curious person and gungho about social justice and all that which I saw burning within the breasts of my editors back in the Daily Sundial. But of all the professions, i feel that journalism offers a very exciting and challenging environment and job to be in on a daily basis. The one thing that i liked about reporting as much as it was such a pain, was the ability to learn and discover so many things in your world that you would never even bother to know and the reward of all the hardwork is when you actually manage to MEET THE DEADLINE and submit your story. That feeling is awesome. It's parallel to getting right a tough question in add math ;)
And i guess... as much as i hated it because it was so demanding, i really miss it... and i regret that i wasted half a semester not reporting when i should have just grabbed the chance to finish another 20 stories and accomplish writing more than 40 stories within 14 weeks... I really should have done that and not let that stupid Senior year bug affect me.
Well... as much as i hated it, i guess those Sundail classes were one of the best classes in uni.
pick me up in the inside
so next time i won't
fall down the stairs
when you're not there.
interviewer: how do you see love? you've both been through a lot of hardships as far as love goes.
maggie: i am still the same. i have never changed. if you want to love, then love. i won't worry about if we match or not. i will go after what i want.
Yeap!!! Maggie is RIGHT!!! YEAH!! GO MAGGIE! We should ALL listen to what she said!!
BUTTTTTTTTTTTT unfortunately, Elaine Loh is NO MAGGIE CHEUNG either! i don't exactly have the power that Maggie Cheung have to "control her own destiny" as Tony Leung puts it!!!
dang. and it was so well said and inspiring summore!! haihh~~~~

less we forget the Indians, or shall i say Native Americans to be politically correct.
Neways, i woke up NOT wanting to go newhere today, too damn lazy, day to sleep in no work and all. Plus, i'd have to find my way to Philadelphia tomorrow or get stuck in NYC, argh i hope not! Ahh... great LOOOOOOOOOONNNG weekend. Least i could just waste today away sleeping.
NEWAYS, woke up NOT wanting to go newhere today, but damn i regret cause all these talks and pics of turkey has made me wanna eat some... They're real good after all! With mash potatoes and cranberry sauce :D

Elaine said, "depressed" says:
ur a real nice dude actually... worrying over dez, not minding mom calling u over ur brothers, cooking for your brother... how thoughtful hm.
Nige says:
thanx. it just really doesnt seem 2 bother me... feel like if deres a chance i can help some1 without 2 much hinderance 2 my own life, den i will. n if dey ask 4 help, havent turn 2 many people away yet.
Elaine said, "depressed" says:
awww... that's really nice. cause not alot of ppl are like that. in dis world.
Nige says:
yea, i know... dats another reason i do it. Figured i may only b 1 of a few, but dats still another person. Losin battle, but some1s gotta do somethin in dis crappy hell hole..
Elaine said, "depressed" says:
awwww shite and ur the person huh!
Elaine said, "depressed" says:
i like u tho like ur attitude...
yeah ler, nige.... i like u.... just had to tag that "like ur attitude" thing there to buffer d shock and horror if u truly discovered d truth.

wish u wouldn't leave.... =)
gots into a small arguement with Karen again (Karen if ur reading dis, i didn't intend to offend u or nething)...
But i really wanna clarify one thing (YEAH CHING MUN LISTEN! hehehehe).... Well... i like nigel cause i like nigel. It's not a matter if he likes me back or not. That is not something i can control. And cause i like nigel cause i like Nigel, there is already feelings involved in the equation on my part, and whether or not d feelings are requitted is not relevant.
So when i do bitch abt "ouh gosh, why he didn't reply my email???" or when "oh goshhhhhhhhhhhhhh HE IS NOT ONLINE!!!!" and i get worried and bitchy or paranoid, or crazy or obsessed... I'm NOT doing it coz I EXPECT Nigel to be a certain way. I'm bitching cause my hopes we dashed hahaha, well i am bitching cause you know, you like someone, and when they give you the cold shoulder, you NATURALLY get hurt. It doesn't matter if that guy is your boyfriend or not, just when you DO like the guy, if he's not responding as you wish he would, you just get dissapointed, hurt, or worried... and that's how i am with Nigel.
While i do wish he would reply my emails all the time (he usually does tho), i know there are times that he doesn't. And i WILL and i mean WILL bitch and moan abt how he didn't... But it's not cause i am thinking "HE SHOULD, HE MUST REPLY MY EMAILS!!! why the hell is he not?!"... that's NOT what i feel and that's not what i think. The only part taht i DO think about is "WHY????" but only cause i AM a very overly sensitive girl.
I'm not trying to make him do anything. And i am NOT being sensitive and hurt about it cause he was suppose to do somethin and he didn't. He's not suppose to be doing anything! But the fact of the matter is that I like him, you know, and YOUR FEELINGS are already involved in it, and it WILL get affected by what the other person, regardless.
So when i do say shit like "come back k?" to Nigel when he leaves to get dinner, I say it because that is what my heart WISH he'd do but I'm NOT giving him a command to do or die. I certainly have NO RIGHTS to do so.
Plus, i know if i gave an order to nigel to do something, he's just gonna ask why. And well, unfortunately, i dun have the power to ground him like his mom does when i am unable to produce an answer ;)
so yeh... dat's it.


Sometimes (ESPECIALLY TIMES LIKE THESE) i wonder why i ever EVER EVER left California.... Goshhhh, is that $1500 a month i make really THAT worth it.
Everytime i walk out of the house, my fingers are so numb from the cold, i can't even feel them anymore. And this is just by walking out of the house WEARING GLOVES even. (if you don't know how this feels like, just try melting a piece of ice in your hands, that's how NUMB FROM COLD feels like).
Everyday i am wearing AT LEAST four to five layers of clothing and STILL, i am PERPETUALLY cold. And when i say perpetually, i mean perpetually: at home, in the streets, walking around, sitting in the train, waiting at the train station, in the office, etc. Where there is no heater turned up full blast, i am ALWAYS COLD.
And can you believe this is NOT EVEN the BEGINING yet???
Ouh gosh..... God, help me.
btw, forcasted SNOW and RAIN and WIND on Wednesday and Thursday, gosh, i dread to even think abt it.
Screw this place mannnnn why the hell do people even LIVE in places like these???? Gosh, have they NOT heard abt a place called CALIFORNIA????
btw, i noticed that 90% of my posts lately are abt nigel, huh? well, here's a different one then hehe :-D
From: "Loh Elaine"
To: bowler35@hotmail.com
Subject: Nigel...?
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2005 13:05:32 +0000
hey, not seen you online at all for the past few days. *is a lil worried* Are you okay?
From : Nigel Koay
Sent : Wednesday, November 16, 2005 7:02 PM
To : ought@hotmail.com
Subject : RE: Nigel...?
Havent been on coz i still dont have a computer. Been even more busy recently... so kinda needed no distractions to get dis crap done. But its all gettin good now... I hope....
N dont worry... Im always good unless im dead... :D
Was SUPER worried today that i got banned by Nigel again, or he's avoiding me, coz not seen him online for the past few days. So that's why i sent him that email too... And was worried abt him too, coz, even if he's busy, he'd come online usually....
I really hope he's not avoiding me... Perhaps it IS favourable to be Dez's cousin, after all. Maybe Nige is not avoiding me (YET!) and just pretending as if he doesn't know i like him coz i'm dez's cousin and if we were to ever meet again, it'll be weird and stuff. maybe i shouldn't like him, then i won't be forcing Nige into an awkward position, you know what i mean?
She looks like the real thing
She tastes like the real thing
My fake plastic love
But I can't help the feeling
I could blow through the ceiling
If I just turn and run
It wears her out, it wears her out
It wears her out, it wears her out
If I could be who you wanted
If I could be who you wanted all the time
So i was at the Intel Conference today, suppose to be learning abt Dual Core Processors and also Intel Wireless Mobile Technology, but i had a notepad, a pen and half a brain tuning in and out of the presentation, so naturally my thought drifted to.......... Nigel.
I wanted to ask myself why i liked him. And why i still do perhaps. But i found that it's not a question i can answer and it's not a question that should be asked.
Unlike Elaine Teh with the secret silent love of her life Young, i cannot list out in bullet points from 1 till a hundred as to why Nigel is DA guy. In fact, unlike Elaine Teh thinks how Young is 90% of her dream guy, Nigel is not to me, but it's nothing on his part, it's more because i am a very indecisive girl and also it seems that this days, really, anything goes.
It's not a question that i can answer nor is it a question to be asked because, i like Nigel just because I do.
Even at the very begining, i liked him cause i liked him and maybe i liked him more because i had hope he liked me too (but we all know how terribly WRONG elaine ALWAYS is abt that!) but truth is that, although i don't know why i like him but i just knew even back then, that i did. i just know that this feeling is here and he can make me feel really happy and he can make me incredibly sad if not depressed, just by the little words he says or the littlest things that he does.
And these days, i don't want to go on picking on points and trying to get to know nigel more just to find stuff i like about him. Like I told karen, stick nigel in a skirt and i'd still think he's cute, and i WILL still like him.
I can tell you qualities that i like in Nigel that i think makes him really wonderful, and i can tell you things abt nigel that i've come to know that i really like in him but it would be a partial lie if i told you those were the reasons why i like him... Those are just reasons that enhances my feelings towards him but i don't think that they are in any way reasons as to why i like him.
It's because when i first like him, i just did, you know, i liked him as he was. I wasn't totally stricken with awwwwe when i first met him, no, i don't think i was, but it's just that, nigel was nigel and the way he was just there and how he smiled and talked and walked around that day and was with dez. the quietness to him and just the sense of him that drew me in.
I don't regret anything i did, not even KLIA, i regretted that i never took godma and dez and nigel's position BETTER and more thought more thoroughly about it, but sometimes, the more i think about it, i don't regret going to KLIA at all because at least, i saw him that one more time...
and i wish i could have held on to him a little longer that night...
i guess i do chat with nigel only once a week... i guess it's also cause it's sad but true that the only time i get to msg him is when i'm at work or on weekends.
neways, hehe, all the small things... On friday i chat with him at work (my boss also knew! hehe) and we were talking about dinosaurs and erm, something else, i can't remember at the mo. neways, he want to go get dinner at KFC, so he said he was going there to get dinner. then i said to him "k. come back." and he said "k"...
Then of coz, i was online neways but he never came back Then before i left the office i msged him again "wuts dis!! said u'd come back and u didn't!!" then i added next line "neways, take care ks =)".... I was abit worried coz... u know, i'm nobody to nigel, so it's abit shitty to demand from him rite?? and scold him, hehe... So i was worried he'd feel offended instead (dats also why i put the smiley face there, to show i wasn't serious in scolding him"...
NEWAYS... so saturday, i woke up late (usually i wake up at 10am, which is his 3pm so he's usually around to chat for maybe an hour)so then, he wasn't online but even then he wasn't online d whole day =( I thought at least he'd come online, like he did on Thursday nite when he was offline the whole day but at 2:30am he still logged on for abit =) MAKES ME HAPPY TO SEE HIM ONLINE YO!
NEWAYS... then today i went out with elaine teh the whole day and so although Nigel was online, i didn't chat with him...
NEWAYS... then when i got home i had 22 mails in my hotmail mailbox, and i was thinking again "ahhh all junkmail"...
when i checked d mail i saw:
NIGEL KOAY on d list
but i thought "ahh old mail most probably"
THEN i saw new subject! and d mail was not opened yet!!
Neways damn i was so damn happy larrrrrr. STILL IS happy actually!! hehehe... i mean he actually emailed me first, summore he said sorry and explained abt what had happened on Friday....
just coz of such a small thing huh, and i have suchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh big reaction to it. Just 1kb email, just two lines. summore so formal, but yet............. goshhhhhhh!!!! to me as if it was some sort of love letter pulak!!!!
sigh... but nigel makes me happy lor... hehe... I dunno but, i guess, maybe i am so super happy all d time with all these little stuff is coz, u know, most of d guys i like, after i like them awhile and i do some stuff towards them they get scared and start treating me like crap (or avoid me).
But nigel seems to be either oblivious to all my advances or he knows ler but u know, he still treats me nice and is still a very considerate boy.. yeah, considerate and proper towards ppl, that's the word to describe nigel... And i guess, u know, d reason why he always apologizes if like he has been less than responsive towards me or if like the friday thing, is cos u know, he is a very well mannered person..
THAT'S WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY i wish i could ask Desmond "hey is Nigel like this and dis and that towards everyone????????" hehehe... i really wish to know, but i do know that he probably does treat everyone really well...
he IS a nice boy after all :)
Neways, yeah i forgot, i chat with Nigel 2 1/2 times this week. It's sad but true most of our "nicest" conversations were all at work *sigh*
"And they think that u r so lucky to have a overseas education...now i can't even speak cantonese properly and am learning Mandarin from a 'Hanyu Pinyin' Book due to my lovely girlfriend whose grandmother i cannot even speak to. admittedly, my cantonese has improved but i'm always so embarrassed when i go out with Mint and her friends."
-Looi Kok Mun-

well said, both so very well said... Kind of a shite Chinese huh!
I can still remember Ching Mun sayin to me: "Please lah elaine, just speak in English, cannot understand what you're saying when you speak in Chinese lah!"
There's this blog i was reading just now, KENG! blog post in ROMANIZED chinese! I think that is like KICK ASS! because man, i think that's so hard! Ching Mun's right about my chinese cause i really don't know the CORRECT sound to certain words, you know... When it's suppose to be like "g" i'd say it with a "k" or a "b" i'll say it with a "p"...
Hmmm kinda makes me know why now JAPANESE also don't have the sounds... like in Japanese scripts the pairs "t"/"d" and "h"/"b"/"p" and "k"/"g" use the same character wid the difference of the symbol ["] to differentiate between the two.
Neways... yeah... shite kind of chinese, huh? I've been mixing with alot of chinese ppl lately (i stay in a house full of them) and i also noticed that the Chinese here in Boston are all like those authentically chinese. As in, Chinese immigrants. In California, they're usually all Chinese Americans... meaning, American, basically ;)
Well and i was thinking, i REALLY should go learn chinese, actually! It'd be good! Kinda sad i can't speak Chinese properly. PLUS, can't even READ or WRITE it, you know!!! da heck! Would be great if i could... then i could be billingual in a USEFUL language FINALLY! Plus, easier to pick up japanese too after that... in fact don't even need to anymore ^^.
Banana janai, kind of a shite chinese da yo!
Anyone who's reading this, tell me, is this NOT obvious enough??
- I email him on average once or twice a week.
- I chat with him quite often (sometimes 3 or 4 days in a row)
- I sent him a postcard from NYC
- I sent him a Halloween card.
- I sent him an ecard that u can view here.
- I even sent him a DUCK COOKBOOK.
- I saw his baby pic on MSN and i told him it was too small i can't see his face so i asked him to send it to me. Then after that i asked if he has anymore and he sent me another one.
- Then i edited the pictures so that i will fit and look bigger on MSN and sent it back to him.
- THEN when he didn't put the pics i edited for him up, i "scolded" him (hehe) and demanded he put it up and he did... hmm.
- I sent him an email the other day with the subject title "mailbox misses u ;)" DUH, I miss you that's what! dang!
- Hmm... wut else... I've asked "btw, just out of curiosity, do you have a girlfriend now?" (wut the heck!), I've asked if he'd avoid a girl if he knows d girl likes him (his answer was so called "no" but Ryota said the same shit too!), I've asked if he thought it was okay for d girl to go after d guy and confess to d guy instead (he answer was yes, it's okay, he doesn't mind).
- ouh, and d whole KLIA ordeal back in January where i went to KLIA to send him off without telling neone and i waited 2 1/2 hours for him. (ALTHOUGH i DID tell dez that i didn't have feelings for him (d dude, not dez) back then tho... hm)
I guess, i'm happy everytime i just see him online on my MSN list coz, I'm happy he hasn't BANNED me, you know. And i'm relieved and feel at peace when he's just there online coz at least i know, he doesn't hate me yet, for all the shit i am doing to smother him.
For once, even I, ELAINE LOH, feels i've done abit too much. Especially with like sending him damn lot of stuff over the mail (he got them all within the week too although i sent them all at different times, due to the time delay of each different package type). Like I sent the post card first, on a monday... Like october 10th... and the Card on Oct 14th... Then the book i bought on Oct 21st, then i sent the ecard Oct 27th (hmm seems like i do things only on mondays or fridays). BUT, he got the cookbook FIRST, on Oct 27th, then the card somewhere that week or this week and then the post card "couplea days later". AND THEN he picked up my ecard TODAY, after i had sent him an email reply YESTERDAY.
all abit too much you know!!!!!
neways... what do you think???
NEWAYS, he is NOT ONLINE NOW, so i am pretty much VERY WORRIED at the mo!!!!!! shite!!!!
it's that, i am TREMENDOUSLY worried that he ALREADY knows that i like him but being him like he said he won't avoid the girl, so he doesn't and he's still cool and friends with me and all... But you know elaine, she has no sort of self control and neither does she have judgment when she likes someone, so TERLAMPAU all the time, and i am scared each time, that since he ALREADY KNOWS i like him and finally i did something "unknowingly" and FINALLY crossed the line and dat was the last draw and that's it! he hates me now... and THAT is EXACTLY what i worry MOST OF ALL about him ALL OF THE TIME.
In the skin of a dream,
Body naked sleep.
I had wanted to blog about (you know who) for quite abit and i actually did but i removed it from the blog. i somehow think that this blog is frigging cursed, or someone curses me everytime i blog about some guy. seriously. once i post something up abt something that happened with some dude that made me real happy, few weeks later d dude will b hating me. I'd have none of that for this one. I plan to b friends wid him at least for d next couple of months at least. seriously WTF man, WTF?!
Neways, so i WON'T post specifically abt him or anything like that. Those goes to the other blog, da hell. Neways... been thinking bout him (when do i not?) and i don't know... i wish that for him, i'd practice more self constraint, though i know that i still don't quite really. I don't want to be impulsive, yet i want him to know that i like him, yet... i think he does know, you know, or at least i wish he does...
I wish that i would learn from all the mistakes of my past and do it correctly with this one, not be so dysfunctional, you know... and maybe, i do wish i could win his affection but really, if i can't, i'd really just b happy that we stayed friends at least for this one!! d hell..
Neways, i think i've said too much... If anyone out there IS putting a curse on me, DA FUCK?! WHY THE FUCK?! Same goes to you too BUDDY! FUCKING HELL!
btw... i stole the aim icon from here.
1) where u went around 3 hrs ago?
* i was at work. or maybe i think i was in boston by then.
2) wat u did there?
* taking the train home.
3) where u went yesterday?
* nowhere.
4) went with who?
* noone.
5) wat was d last song u listen?
* The Stone Roses - Elephant Stone... or it could have been radiohead.
6) d last person who u called?
* Min... we were suppose to go out.
7) d last person u message?
* the guy Elaine Teh likes... He has NOT submitted his homework to me yet.
8) wat r u doin rite now?
* being bored.
9) wat r u thinkin rite now?
* this survey thing.
10) do u wana have a bf/gf rite now?
* i don't know. i want to be with someone specifically, but i am not desperate for a boyfriend any boyfriend @ d mo.
11) wat u do daily?
* WORK. shite.
12) wats ur fave place?
* somewhere else.
13) do u play sport(s)?
14) wat kind of sport?
15) wat is d time now?
* 56 hours since that i last slept with you.
16) whose at home?
* no one... i mean some housemates i guess.
17) wat do u do when u're bored?
* chat online.
18) who makes u laugh?
* erm.... whatever's funny.
19) wat u ate fer lunch?
* sweet and sour pork, thank you boss!
20) wat u bought today?
pictures of whom do you keep in your wallet ?
; no one's.
what time do you go to bed ?
; erm.... dese days.... 12am - 2am...
what was the last thing you did before this ?
; ate.
what was the last tv show that you watch?
; shitz, i don't have a TV here, yo.
who's the person you'll call if you need help ?
; yeah man, depends on what kind of help i need.
what's on your mind right now ?
; partially it's nigel, partially it's this survey.
who's number on your speed dials ?
; don't have no speed dials. (that's a double negative sentence btw)
with whom do you wanna be to have fun ?
; at this point, ne1 wud do.
what movie do u wanna watch now ?
; i don't know. a couple of stuff i guess...
when was the last time you went out ?
; Saturday.... as in hang out? I went out just now after i got home to the front door to look at kids trick or treating... felt real nice, so american u know!!
what do you hate the most for now ?
; feeling this way.
when was the first time you slept alone?
; i don't remember... when i was a kid... maybe 9?
what do you wanna do for now?
; i want to get over this feeling... maybe i should just go to sleep.
what do you do everyday besides eat & sleep?
; WORK. breathe. think about nigel (SERIOUSLY.)
fave pet ?
colors that make you happy ?
; erm no colors make me happy but i am pretty much psycho if i see something pink and cute. and NO i don't mean hello kitty.
most fave thing in your room ?
; my laptop
last thing you bought for your room?
; i paid for the damn rent.
do you cook?
miss someone?
; yeah... i do.
plan to buy something?
; probably... don't know what yet tho.. hehe
are you satisfied with your life now?
; not really but i shouldn't be complaining really =)
do you like seafood?
; yeah i do.... shrimp and sake sashimi!
breakfast or dinner?
; yeh, anything with food is good.
what do you usually eat for breakfast?
; erm... lately, dunkin donuts chocolate frosted donuts and coffee......... EVERYDAY.
did you eat breakfast today?
; no not today, not had an appetite yesterday and today.
do you recycle?
; no, but i think i should.... but i'm damn bad at seperating the garbage too, to recyclable stuff and non recyclable stuff... they're less strict abt trash here in Boston though...
do you have a laptop?
; OF COURSE. me life yo!
what's your favorite resto?
; i don't have one i guess... But i've been going to Typhoon alot lately but only cause Elaine Teh works there and the other two "friend" i know in Boston works there too.
cats or dogs?
; DOGS OF COURSE!! and nigelllllllllllllllllllllllll why why why?? why not dogs???? NOT ALL DOGS BITE U KNOW!!!!!
salty or sweet?
; both, i always need a lil of both.
city or country?
; city definitely but erm... actually, maybe i'll chose the suburbs.
is kissing normal for your age?
are you athletic?
; hell no. as athletic as a turtle.
do you swear?
; WTF do u mean i swear??? of corse the hell i swear... Actually i should STOP swearing so much.
would you ditch your friends for a date ?
do you have your own cell phone?
what do you wear to bed?
; some dress.
ever had a crush on a teacher in high school?
; no, there weren't any guy teachers at my school and no didn't have any crush on the female ones either.
coke or pepsi?
; dr. pepper.
can you use chopsticks?
; well the mechanism works.
do you like to read for pleasure?
; erm, when i need imput, yeah.
do you care about getting good grades?
; erm... wish i did more.
have you ever fallen asleep in class?
; yeah, but not too many times.
get a job or ask your parents for money?
; i have gotten a job and i am TRYING NOT to ask my parents for money.
is your dad strict?
; no.
do your parents give you enough privacy?
; in america YEAH!
do your parents trust you?
; i'm here, they HAVE TO trust me whether they do or not.
would you trade places with your close friends?
; depends on what it is.
does your close friend get on your nerves?
; well elaine teh gets on my nerves sometimes but i am sure i annoy her the hell more than she does me ;) =P
do you make friends quickly?
; it depends on the situation and the person.
do you get jealous of your friends?
; yeah i do... of course i do but then again, i'm also a very insecure person, so that's why i do.
do you tell your mom everything?
what do you & your parents fight about most?
; hmmm... alot of stuff. mostly though it's because they don't like or don't agree with the way i act or do things.