Anyway, u know how i once watched X-Files religiously, at least for like a few years only cause of Mulder and Scully right??? aiseh, the sexual tension. Alluding to a quote from Reality Bites, if we could harness the sexual tension between Mulder and Scully, we could solve the energy crisis!
So anyway.......... Dammit that Chris Carter, waited SIX damn seasons and he didn't even do anything with Mulder and Scully. Not even in the movie!! I mean What the hell was with the BEE??????
Well, so what i discovered on Wednesday, tragically was that i gave up just a TAD BIT TOO EARLY.... cause...
They damn kissed!
Shite! And i didn't even know abt it till now!!! AND NOT JUST THAT! In fact they became like lovers WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too damn mushy for my liking, considering that technically they're suppose to be just PARTNERS! damnnnnnnnnnn u don't hold hands with ur partner! Damn you Don't PASSIONATELY kiss ur partner!!! (not in this episode but in later episodes in Season 8 and the last episode that is in season 9)
anyway, in a way i like it, HAPPY with it, but in a way i'm thinking like "WAITTTTTTTTT A SEC THERE DUDE, they still think of each other as partners and sure as hell, you're NOT ALLOWED to do THAT with your partner!!" u know what i mean???
anyway, that's to X-Files and here's to bitcomet for being kick ass cause u can download individual files within a batch torrent!!! wooooooooooooooo! technology u kick ass!
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