The season which would have ENDED the series BRILLIANTLY--- but never was to be... sighhh...
Amor Fati!
Well this is where i thought "THE KISS" would have been appropriate...
Lemme put it in scipt format with pics to illustrate!
(DOD medical room. MULDER's eyes are open and sad. There is a pool of blood beneath his head and DOCTORS are probing around in his brain. CUT TO ... )
(SCULLY walking cautiously through halls of DOD. She uses the card in a lock. It turns green, then CUT TO ....)
( ... SCULLY walking into the bedroom of VERY OLD MULDER. He reaches out eagerly and holds SCULLY's arm in his hand. He is weak, but is beaming at her, happy she is there.)
VERY OLD MULDER: Oh, Scully! I knew you'd come. They told me you were dead.
(SCULLY has no sympathy for him.)
SCULLY: And you believed them. Traitor.
VERY OLD MULDER: (confused) What?
SCULLY: Deserter. Coward.
VERY OLD MULDER: (hurt) Scully, don't... I'm dying.
SCULLY: You're not supposed to die, Mulder-- not here.
VERY OLD MULDER: What do you mean?
SCULLY: Not in a comfortable bed with the devil outside.
VERY OLD MULDER: No, you don't understand. He's taking care of me.
SCULLY: No, Mulder, he's lulled you to sleep. He's made you trade your true mission for creature comforts.
VERY OLD MULDER: There was no mission. There were no aliens.
SCULLY: No aliens. Have you looked outside, Mulder?
VERY OLD MULDER: I can't. I'm... too tired.
SCULLY: No, Mulder, you must get up. You must get up and fight... especially you. This isn't your place. Get up, Mulder. Get up and fight the fight.
(She drops his hand, turns and leaves the bedroom leaving VERY OLD MULDER gasping her name and trying to sit up to see where she went.)
VERY OLD MULDER: Scully... Where's Scully? Scully? Scully!
(He cannot see her. CUT TO ... )
(Green door light. SCULLY entering the DOD medical room. It is deserted except for MULDER still lying with his arms outstretched. Almost all the medical devices and tubes and monitors have been removed except a chest monitor. All he has is a small sheet over his hips and a white gauze bandage on his head. SCULLY quietly steps up beside him and touches his head. She whispers quietly.)
SCULLY: Mulder. Mulder, you've got to wake up. I've got to get you out of here. Mulder, can you understand me?
(MULDER's eyelids flicker slightly and he cries out at an image of his old self screaming in the medical restraints.)
SCULLY: (beginning to cry) Mulder, you've got to get up. I don't know how much time we have. You've got to get up, Mulder.
(Another flash of himself screaming.)
SCULLY: (whispering, pleading) No one can do it but you, Mulder. Mulder, help me. Please, Mulder.
(A tear rolls down her cheek and falls on his eyelid, then down his cheek as she lets her face fall onto his shoulder. MULDER opens his eyes and clears his throat. His voice is raw.)
MULDER: (weakly) You... help... me.
(MULDER's apartment building. SCULLY, in some fabulous heels, walks down the hall and knocks at MULDER's door. They seem to have a new secret knock. He opens it wearing a half-buttoned shirt with a tie under the collar. His head is still bandaged and he is wearing a New York Yankees ball cap over the gauze. He is very happy to see her.)
MULDER: Scully, what are you doing here? Actually, I was just getting dressed to come see you but I... I couldn't find a tie to go with my victory cap.
(SCULLY reaches up and takes the cap off of his head.)
SCULLY: Mulder, no work. You have to go back to bed.
(She starts to pull the tie away, but he grabs it back playfully.)
MULDER: Oh, wait. Tie goes to the runner.
(MULDER chuckles at his joke, and SCULLY smiles.)
MULDER: Scully, I, um... I was coming down... to work to tell you that Albert Hosteen is dead. He died last night in New Mexico. He'd been in a coma for two weeks. There was... no way he could have been in your apartment.
SCULLY: (insistent) He was there-- we... we prayed together. Mulder, I don't believe that. I... I don't believe it. It's impossible.
MULDER: Is it any more impossible than what you saw in Africa or what you saw in me?
SCULLY: (about to cry) I don't know what to believe anymore. Mulder, I was so determined to find a cure to save you that I could deny what it was that I saw and now I don't even know... I don't know... I don't know what the truth is ... I don't know who to listen to. I don't know who to trust.
(Pause. She is now crying.)
SCULLY: Diana Fowley was found murdered this morning. I never trusted her... but she helped save your life just as much as I did. She gave me that book. It was her key that led me to you. I'm sorry... I'm so sorry. I know she was your friend.
(She puts her arms around his shoulders and they hold each other.)
MULDER: Scully, I was like you once-- I didn't know who to trust. Then I... I chose another path... another life, another fate, where I found my sister. The end of my world was unrecognizable and upside down. There was one thing that remained the same.
(He holds her face and gazes at her.)
MULDER: You... were my friend, and you told me the truth. Even when the world was falling apart, you were my constant... my touchstone.
SCULLY: And you are mine.
YES PLEASE, INSERT KISS HERE. GEEZ! Enough of that kiss in the forehead shit!! i mean dude, he's not your KID! geez!!! I mean c'mon man, if she had kiss him at this point, by the looks of it and the circumstance and their conversation, dude, it would have been OKAY! geez!
Geezzzzzzzzzzzz... What was that word that David Duchovny used to describe both Mulder and Scully? REPRESSED WORKAHOLICS!! yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh hell man! No shit!!! I tell you that dude REALLY has VERY good insights into the characters after SEVEN LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG years playing the role! geez!
Well the kiss comes here, INSTEAD.
After the whole Millenium countdown and Mulder nearly getting torn apart by zombies.
Mulder: "The world didn't end."
Scully: "No, it didn't."
All Things
So did they or didn't they? FUCK yeah. that's what. Did they or didn't they?
I mean, damn i've never fucked and had a morning after before... but shit sure these two dudes sure have ALOT and i mean ALOT of trust and honesty and not to mention OPENESS if she just fell sleep on his couch the night before and was just simply putting on her shirt and skirt with the bathroom door WIDE OPEN with her NAKED partner sleeping nearby. Hellz!
Geez, Gillian, could have just let us know just a lil' bit more would have been nice ne!
Scully: [voiceover] "Time passes in moments... moments which, rushing past, define the path of a life, just as surely as they lead towards its end. How rarely do we stop to examine that path, to see the reasons why all things happen, to consider whether the path we take in life is our own making, or simply one into which we drift with eyes closed. But what if we could stop, pause to take stock of each precious moment before it passes? Might we then see the endless forks in the road that have shaped a life? And, seeing those choices, choose another path?"
MORE GILLIAN MORE! my pea brain cannot understand such deep stuff!
Scully: "I once considered spending my whole life with this man. What I would have missed."
Mulder: "I don't think you can know. I mean, how many different lives would we be leading if we made different choices. We... we don't know."
Scully: "What if there was only one choice and all the other ones were wrong? And there were signs along the way to pay attention to."
Mulder: "Mmm. And all the... choices would then lead to this very moment. One wrong turn, and... we wouldn't be sitting here together. Well, that says a lot. That says a lot, a lot, a lot. That's probably more than we should be getting into at this late hour."
Alright whatever. so did they fuck or not?!
Hollywood AD
Another fantastically comedic episode by David Duchovny where Tea Leoni (David Duchovny's real life wife) plays Scully and Gary Shandling plays Mulder in a Hollywood version of Mulder and Scully. Brilliantly written, i must say, ESPECIALLY with all the off-screen undertones, wonderful lah wonderful.
Garry Shandling/Mulder: "I'd rather serve in Heaven than rule in Hell."
[Mulder throws the Lazarus Bowl high in the air and runs towards Scully. The Smoking Pontiff and the zombies try to save the bowl. Mulder grabs Scully and they roll down the hill and fall into an open grave, the coffin lid slams shut]
T�a Leoni/Scully: "Is that your flashlight, Mulder, or... you just happy to be lying on top of me?"
Garry Shandling/Mulder: "My flashlight. Oh, that. You know, seven long years I've been waiting for just the right moment, Scully."
T�a Leoni/Scully: "Oh, you're a sick man, Mulder. Go on."
Garry Shandling/Mulder: "I love you, Scully. No ifs, ands or..."
T�a Leoni/Scully: "Bees."
[The film audience is watching the screen kiss in rapt attention, Scully and Mulder look mortified, while Skinner thinks the whole thing is hilarious]
Wayne Federman: "Just curious if she's more than your partner."
Mulder: "Enough, Wayne."
Wayne Federman: "Hey, whatever."
Mulder: "This should be it here." [to Scully] "What did Skinner want you for this morning?"
Scully: "Just paperwork."
Wayne Federman: "Hmm..."
Scully: "You know, Mulder, speaking of Hollywood, I think that T�a Leoni has a little crush on you."
Mulder: "Oh, yeah, right. Like T�a Leoni's ever going to have a crush on me."
Scully: "I think that Shandling likes you a bit, too."
Mulder: "Really?"
Garry Shandling/Mulder: "I love you, Scully. No ifs, ands or..."
T�a Leoni/Scully: "Bees." [They kiss] "Wait, wait, Mulder... I can't."
Garry Shandling/Mulder: "I know this feels wrong because we're friends and we treat each other as equals, but..."
T�a Leoni/Scully: "No, no, it's not that. It's not that."
Garry Shandling/Mulder: "Well, what then?"
T�a Leoni/Scully: "I'm in love with Assistant Director Walter Skinner."
Mulder: "That's it, Scully, I can't take it any more."
Scully: "Shh, Mulder, sit down."
Garry Shandling/Mulder: "What does he have that I don't have?"
T�a Leoni/Scully: "A bigger flashlight."
I also liked the last scene between Mulder and Scully alot. It showed them yet again, in a serious, yet fun mood... and i'd be damn if FBI Agents are holding hands walking together! hellz! But i really like that, cause they never hold hands ne..... So dude, did they fuck? wuahahahahahha... Kissed liao, i mean, so got fuck or not? since they ARE being all very lovely doey here and stuff... no?!
Mulder: "Yeah, what about us? How are we going to be remembered now 'cause of this movie?"
Scully: "Well, hopefully, the movie will tank."
Mulder: "What about all the dead people who are forever silent and can't tell their stories any more? They're all going to have to rely on Hollywood to show the future how we lived and it'll all become... oversimplified and trivialised and Cigarette-Smoking Pontificised and become as plastic and meaningless as this stupid plastic Lazarus Bowl."
Scully: "I think the dead are beyond caring what people think about them. Hopefully we can adopt the same attitude. You do know that there aren't real dead people out there, right? That this is a movie set?"
Mulder: "The dead are everywhere, Scully."
Scully: "Well... We're alive. And we're relatively young and Skinner was so tickled by the movie..."
Mulder: "I bet he was..."
Scully: "That he has given us a Bureau credit card to use for the evening."
Scully: "Come on."
Scully: "Mulder, I have something to confess."
Mulder: "What's that?"
Scully: "I'm in love with Associate Producer Walter Skinner."
Mulder: "Ah... Me, too."
Je Souhaite.
Like i said, in my previous post, i wouldn't have mind if this was the last time we saw mulder and scully being "together" in a non-work situation, and this be the last episode where we get to play around with their characters... and just you know, show how they are with each other, and how far they've come, how close they are... or maybe not...
I like the begining scene when Scully walks into the office, she opens the door and say "good morning" really cheerfully and then she actually stops at the door when she sees someone sitting at the desk talking to mulder, and she points to the guy and mouths "Who's THAT?"
I like it in the way that, you know, Scully has never done that before. I like to think of like you know, Scully does not expect someone to be down there in the X-files except her and mulder... Which is kinda sweet in a way, like this is their domain, or something.
I like the tone of this last scene between mulder and scully in this episode because i felt it encapsulated alot of how far their relationship has come and how close and comfortable they are with each other and the friendship and lightheartedness between the both of them. YET there lingers still, something unsaid, and something incomplete, and a polar end, that in the end as much as they are each other's world, there's also alot of things that they still keep and hide from each other and that the other wouldn't know... I thought that would have been a good place to leave their relationship as a final time we will ever visit the subject of what mulder means to scully and what scully means to mulder...
(MULDER's apartment. MULDER puts a videotape in his machine. The screen displays the FBI warning as he picks up a bowl of popcorn and crosses to sit beside SCULLY on the couch.)
MULDER: I can't believe you don't want butter on your popcorn. Uggh. It's un- American.
(SCULLY looks at the video tape case.)
SCULLY: Caddyshack," Mulder?
MULDER: It's a classic American movie.
(SCULLY slumps back against the couch and opens her Shiner Bock beer.)
SCULLY: That's what every guy says. It's a guy movie.
MULDER: Okay, when you invite me over to your place we can watch Steel Magnolias.
(SCULLY tosses her beer cap across the room and with a "clink" it lands in what ever it was she was aiming for. MULDER, having also opened a beer, tosses his cap in the same direction. SCULLY giggles into her beer as we hear the cap thud to the ground.)
SCULLY: So, uh... What's the occasion?
MULDER: I don't know. Just felt like the thing to do. Cheers.
SCULLY: Cheers.
(They tap bottles and take a sip of beer.)
MULDER: I don't know if you noticed but, um, I never made the world a happier place.
SCULLY: Well, I'm fairly happy. That's something.
(They smile at each other.)
ANNOUNCER MAN ON VIDEO TAPE WITH NO PREVIEWS: And now, our feature presentation.
SCULLY: So what was your final wish, anyway?
(MULDER looks at her for a long moment. All of her. Then he smiles happily and takes another swig of his beer as the Kenny Loggins movie theme starts: )
I loved the subtleties in this scene, with mulder looking at scully, and scully being still quite awkward... But there's a sense of, you know, closeness between the two, but still not in the comfortable closeness and openess of "lovers". REPRESSED LAH! what else!
But i loved the part where scully just pauses and looks at Mulder with those eyes that REALLY wish she knew, when she asked Mulder "so what was your last wish anyway?" (see the third last pic at the bottom of this post)... It's like she asked in the way that it was so... needy, like she wanted to know what goes on in Mulder's head... but she also asked it with a voice that was unsure if it was appropriate for her to ask, but sounded like she really really wanted to know... Very well played lah... And then mulder being him actually looks at her, like all of her (heh, yeah, just go hit the sack won't you the both of you??? geez!) then he just smiles. and drinks... And i guess, those are the quiet things that no one ever knows...
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