Season 6! My FAVOURITE season!!!! Actually i was looking at this site that had the polls and ratings people give to episodes and season, and Season 6 DID have the hightest rating among all the seaons! It just has ALOT ALOT ALOT of very fun episodes that played around alot with the characters...
Lets Start with...
Mulder: "You got to rescue it. Wait. Listen to me. This ship's been caught in something called the Devil's Triangle. It's some kind of time warp � a rift in space."
Scully: "Are you crazy?"
Mulder: "You know Einstein, right? He predicts the theoretical possibility. He also predicts an atomic weapon that will destroy the world."
Scully: "Yeah? So what?"
Mulder: "If you don't go back and convince the crew of this ship to turn this ship around and head back into the Devil's Triangle everything Einstein predicted will become true � except for the outcome of history."
Scully: "So, if I don't turn this ship around...?"
Mulder: "In all likelihood, I won't exist."
Scully: "Oh..."
Mulder: "And neither will you."
Scully: "Okay..."
Mulder: "So, in case we never meet again..." [He grabs her and kisses her long and hard, she kisses back. When he releases her, she looks at him for a moment, then pulls back her right fist and punches him in the jaw]
Mulder: "I was expecting a left." [He runs to the railing and climbs over]
Scully: "Hey!" [Mulder jumps overboard]
Ok, this is actually the FIRST episode that we see Mulder and Scully kiss. But we don't really know if it's real or not... Because Mulder gets stuck in the Queen Mary ship back in 1939 when he goes and hunt down the ship in the Bermuda Triangle. So technically, he kissed 1939 Scully, and we don't really know it was real or if Mulder was dreaming it all up, cause the boat he was on got busted into pieces when Scully found him at sea with the GHOST SHIP Queen Mary.
Anyways... But after watching this episode again recently, to me, i don't think the kiss was the best part of this episode actually. To me the scene i love the best actually is the last scene in the hospital bed and Mulder and Scully are talking... And you see Mulder keep poking scully's side trying to convince her they were really in 1939 together, and how she saved the world, etc...
I liked how Chris Carter utilized this feeling of "never seeing each other again" and playing it out in the final scene... Because you can kinda feel that mulder really feels it, the fact that he nearly would never see scully again... and the part i love was when skinner and the lone gunmen leaves. I love Mark Snow's score here with the piano piece playing as the silence die down and it's just Mulder and Scully and the piano...

And mulder pokes scully and tell hers that he would have never seen her again, but she believed him. And Scully says to him "in your dreams mulder" and tells him like a mother to close his eyes and go to sleep and think like there's no place like home.
And then she leaves and then he calls her name and she comes back to his bedside.... Then they look at each other for a really long time and you can see in Mulder's eyes how much he wants to but doesn't dare to say out the words... then he mutters awkwardly, but he says it, "i love you," swallowing his words... And scully rolls her eyes and turns away muttering "oh brother,"
Scully: "Mulder, it's me. Hmm?"
Mulder: "Where am I?"
Scully: "You're in a hospital."
Mulder: "Ooooo."
Scully: "Lie still."
Mulder: "I feel... Like hell."
Scully: "I don't blame you. You've been through the wringer, I'd say."
Mulder: "What happened to me?"
Scully: "You did something incredibly stupid."
Mulder: "What did I do?"
Scully: "You went looking for a ship, Mulder. In the Bermuda Triangle."
Mulder: "Say that again?"
[The Lone Gunmen enter the room]
Frohike: "Gilligan awakes."
Mulder: "You were there."
Scully: "Hmm?"
Mulder: "You were there, Scully."
[Skinner enters the room]
Langly: [to the others] "He's delirious."
Mulder: "And he [Skinner] was there, too."
Skinner: "Right � Me and my dog Toto."
Mulder: "No, you were there with the Nazis."
Scully: "Mulder, will you settle down? It's an order."
Skinner: "Not that he takes orders..."
Mulder: "You saved the world, Scully."
Scully: "Yeah... You're right. I did."
Frohike: "What kind of drugs is he on?"
Langly: "I want some."
Mulder: "No, no, no... The Queen Anne � I found it. You were there with Thor's Hammer. I told you you had to turn the ship around and then I jumped overboard.
Scully: "Yeah, I bet you did. The boat that you were on was busted into a million pieces. And as for the Queen Anne it was nothing more than a ghost ship."
Mulder: "No, no, no. You and I were on that ship, Scully. In 1939."
Skinner: "Get some rest, Mulder, 'cause when you get out of here I'm going to kick your butt but good." [Skinner and the Lone Gunmen leave the room] [here begins a really sweet scene enhanched by a piano piece by Mark Snow, between Mulder and Scully as room goes silent and Mulder speaks to Scully in a hush whisper, as everybody leaves, he's just eager to tell her... ]
Mulder: "I would've never seen you again. But you believed me."
Scully: "In your dreams. Mulder, I want you to close your eyes and I want you to think to yourself 'There's no place like home'."
Mulder: "Mmm. [Scully starts to leave, but he calls her back] "Hey, Scully."
Scully: "Yes?"
[They look at each other, VERY long pause]
Mulder: "I love you."
Scully: "Oh, brother..." [She turns away and leaves the room]
"oh, brother"wuahahahahaha. BRILLIANT lah BRILLIANT!
Dreamland 1 and 2Mulder and this other guy Morris Fletcher switch bodies and Mulder is stuck with Morris Flectcher's body while Fletcher is in Mulder's bodies due to some UFO crash.
So Mulder has to convince Scully it's him and all that stuff, and Scully does realize in the end that Mulder is not Mulder but Morris...
But the scene i love the most in Dreamland 2 was the scene after she finds out from the Lone Gunmen that they might not be able to get Mulder back to his own body again... She goes and meets Mulder at night in the desert to tell him the news and you can really see the pain in them...
And damn i love the end of that scene when Scully leaves and Mulder calls her back.. He holds out his hand and she holds out his and he puts a handful of sunflower seed in her hands. and then takes a seed from her hand and bites it and then she turns to leave and he watches her go despondently....
Ouh man.... only Chris Carter, David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson can pull off making SUNFLOWER SEEDS into something so bittersweet farewell.. and really push to home how much they have to lose.... ouh mannnn.... Ok as bg info, this is cause Mulder loves biting and eating sunflower seeds all throughout the series since season 1 episode 1 actually... AHHHHHHHHHH great lah great!

MULDER AS MORRIS: You don't look too happy. Don't tell me I'm going to have to put two kids through school.
SCULLY: (hesitantly) That is you in there, Mulder, isn't it?
(MULDER nods.)
SCULLY: (hugging herself) I, uh... I just got off the phone with Frohike. They were able to download and analyze the crash data and, yes, there was an anomalous event that night.
MULDER AS MORRIS: And how do I get back?
SCULLY: (not easy for her to say) Well, that's just it. It's all about random moments in time... About a series of variables approaching an event horizon. And even if we... could recreate that moment if we could sabotage another craft... Mulder, if we were... If we were off... If the event were off by even one millisecond...
MULDER AS MORRIS: I might wind up with my head in a rock.
SCULLY: Something like that, yeah.
(Long pause.)
MULDER AS MORRIS: (depressed) What about him? I mean, me. Whatever. Whoever he is.
SCULLY: Agent Mulder has become AD Kersh's new golden boy. He's been tasked with returning the flight data recorder that he and I stole. The son of a bitch confesses to Kersh even more than I do to my priest. I'm just tagging along for the ride.
MULDER AS MORRIS: What do you mean, "just tagging along"?
SCULLY: I'm out of the Bureau. I've been censured and relieved of my position.
MULDER AS MORRIS: No. You can explain it to them like you explained it to me. You have the data. You can make them understand. You can get your job back.
(SCULLY looks at him with affection. His response was completely different from MORRIS' fake sympathy when she told him.)
SCULLY: I'd kiss you if you weren't so damn ugly.
(MULDER smiles at her and nods.)
( MORRIS honks the horn at them.)
MORRIS AS MULDER: (yelling out the window) Take a picture-- it'll last longer.
(MULDER and SCULLY pause a moment as they look over at the car.)
MULDER AS MORRIS: (through clenched teeth) If I... shoot him is that murder or suicide?
SCULLY: Neither, if I do it first.
(SCULLY squeezes his arm in farewell, then walks toward the car. MULDER stops her.)
MULDER AS MORRIS: Hey, Scully...
(MULDER holds out his closed hand to her. She holds out her palm. He pours a handful of sunflower seeds into her hand, then takes one back and puts it in his mouth. They look at each other. MULDER sadly watches as SCULLY gets in the car and it drives away.) How the Ghost Stole Christmas.I loved this episdoe because it explores Mulder and Scully's psyche... Basically Mulder goes ghost busting on Christmas Eve and Scully is hessitant to follow him but she does in the end cause somehow she can't find her car keys... Anyways, the house is cursed with two ghost who had once killed themselves in a lover's pact and then Mulder and Scully gets seperated and is "haunted" by the ghosts who play around with their minds.
Anyways I love this episode how Scully is partially there because she wants to be there, yet not willing to admit it. I love how Scully is DAMNNNNNNNNN spooked out the whole episode!!!
I also like the interaction btw the characters in this episode. For SOME reason, this season, they were really relaxed and comfortable with each other, really like friends, you know. Sure they still always, always disagree with each other, but not like slitting each other's throat (like in season 3 and 4) or constantly a pain the ass for the other person. Instead, you know, you see how they CAN and DO get along and enjoy each other despite the difference because... yeah man, their world IS small, and they really have no life besides the X-Files and well, each other.
Loved this part!!!! Mulder spooks Scully!!!

I loved this scene, i felt the image was so powerful and poignant. Cause you have mulder and scully lying on the floor and bleeding to death and they're trying to crawl out of the house. Then you have the song Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas playing in b.g. and the dying agents pulling their guns at each other. I loved the image man, it was sooooooooooooooo wrong, the ironic iconic shot. Loved the juxtaposition. loved it.

Scully: "Mulder... None of that really happened out there tonight... That was all in our heads, right?"
Mulder: "It must have been."
Scully: "Mmm. Not that, uh, my only joy in life is proving you wrong."
Mulder: "When have you proved me wrong?"
Scully: "Well... Why else would you want me out there with you?"
Mulder: "You didn't want to be there? Oh, that's, um... That's self-righteous and... narcissistic of me to say, isn't it?"
Scully: "No, I mean... Maybe I did want to be out there with you."
Mulder: "Now, um... I know we said that we weren't going to exchange gifts but, uh... I got you... a little something."
Scully: "Mulder..."
Mulder: "Merry Christmas."
Scully: "Well, I got you a little something, too."Rain KingMulder: "And whatever it is, you got to let it out."
Holman Hardt: "I can't."
Mulder: "Yeah, you can. It's Sheila, isn't it? You love her. You've always loved her. That, uh, tornado at the high school... that was you, wasn't it?"
Holman Hardt: "The night of our senior prom, I, uh... accidentally stumbled upon her and her boyfriend... in flagrante delicto. And the next thing you know..."
Mulder: "And you've never told her the way you feel?"
Holman Hardt: "How can a frog tell a swan that he loves her?"
Mulder: "Well, you better tell her or you're going to kill somebody."
Holman Hardt: "Well, you got to help me."
Mulder: "I got a plane to catch."
Holman Hardt: "You can't go. If you don't help me, who will?"
Mulder: "I am meeting my partner at the airport." [Mulder's phone rings] "Excuse me. Hold on." [answering mobile phone] "Mulder."
Scully: "Mulder, it's me."
Mulder: "I'm on my way."
Scully: "I'm not so sure. Have you looked outside lately? It's pea soup. Our plane can't take off until after this fog lifts."
Mulder: "Fog? Holman!" [Holman Hardt shrugs]
Scully: "Holman?"
Mulder: "Yeah... he wants advice. Dating advice."
Scully: "Dating advice? From whom?"
Mulder: "Yours truly. Hello? Hey, Scully. Scully, you there?"
Scully: "I heard you. Mulder, when was the last time you went on a date?"
Mulder: "I will talk to you later." [He hangs up]
Scully: "The blind leading the blind."
Holman Hardt: "I've been envious of men like you my whole life. Based on your physical bearing, I'd assumed you were... more experienced. I mean... you spend every day with Agent Scully a beautiful, enchanting woman. And you two never, uh...? I... confess I find that shocking. I... I've seen how you two gaze at one another."
Mulder: "This is about you, Holman. I'm here to help you. I'm perfectly happy with my friendship with Agent Scully."
Holman Hardt: "So according to your theory I walk in there, tell her I love her and the drought will end?"
Mulder: "Just tell her how you feel. And Holman... I do not gaze at Scully."

Scully: "Sheila... my partner has a theory and even though I don't share his belief I feel that, given the circumstances you should hear his theory because it involves you and Holman. Agent Mulder believes that the drought, this storm, these bizarre set of weather conditions that have plagued you over the years are... are caused by Holman. Specifically, that... that his emotions are somehow manifesting themselves in the weather and Agent Mulder believes that Holman is... unwittingly destroying this town because of his unspoken love for you."
Sheila Fontaine: "You love him, don't you?"
Scully: "What?"
Sheila Fontaine: "You're jealous because Agent Mulder and I have a special connection and you're trying to divert me to Holman."
Scully: "What?"
Sheila Fontaine: "I just never thought of Holman that way, you know. He's my closest friend. And to not even suspect..."
Scully: "Well, it seems to me that the best relationships � the ones that last � are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship. You know, one day you look at the person and you see something more than you did the night before. Like a switch has been flicked somewhere. And the person who was just a friend is... suddenly the only person you can ever imagine yourself with. "
No shit, Scully, no shit!
The Unnatural.Written and Directed by David Duchovny and it was a BRILLIANT one indeed! You know not only can he act comedy, he can REALLY write comedic parts!
I love the first scene between Mulder and Scully. AGAIN, another thing that has not been done much in seasons past is actually to make them enjoy being around each other and actually being friends, you know, and this opening scene really plays that part really well!
Scully: "Mulder, it is such a gorgeous day outside. Have you ever entertained the idea of trying to find life on this planet?"
Mulder: "I have seen the life on this planet, Scully, and that is exactly why I am looking elsewhere. Did you bring enough ice cream to share with the rest of the class?"
Scully: "It's not ice cream. It's a non-fat tofutti rice dreamsicle."
Mulder: "Ugh. Bet the air in my mouth tastes better than that. You sure know how to live it up, Scully."
Scully: "Oh, you're Mr Live-it-up. Mulder, you're really Mr Squeeze-every-last-drop-out-of-this-sweet-life, aren't you? On this precious Saturday you've got us grabbing life by the testes, stealing reference books from the FBI library in order to go through New Mexico newspaper obituaries for the years 1940 to 1949, and for what joyful purpose?"
Mulder: "Looking for anomalies, Scully. Do you know how many so-called 'flying disc' reports there were in New Mexico in the 1940s?"
Scully: "I don't care. Mulder, this is a needle in a haystack. These poor souls have been dead for 50 years. Let them rest in peace. Let sleeping dogs lie."
Mulder: "No, I won't sit idly by as you hurl cliches at me. Preparation is the father of inspiration."
Scully: "Necessity is the mother of invention."
Mulder: "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom."
Scully: "Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we may die."
Mulder: "I scream, you scream, we all scream for non-fat tofutti rice dreamsicles." [Mulder sets down his book and lunges at Scully, taking a bite out of her psuedo-ice cream]
Scully: [laughing] "No! Mulder!" [She looks at the book Mulder was reading] "Mulder!? You cheat. I can't believe that you've been reading about baseball this whole time."
Mulder: "I'm reading the box scores, Scully. You'd like it. It's like the Pythagorean Theorem for jocks. It distills all the chaos and action of any game in the history of all baseball games into one tiny, perfect, rectangular sequence of numbers. I can look at this box and I can recreate exactly what happened on some sunny summer day back in 1947. It's like the numbers talk to me, they comfort me. They tell me that even though lots of things can change some things do remain the same. It's..."
Scully: "Boring. Mulder, can I ask you a personal question?"
Mulder: "Of course not."
Scully: "Did your mother ever tell you to go outside and play?"
[Mulder notices a picture in the book of two white men and a black man standing in front of an old bus with 'Roswell Grays' on the side. One of the white men is the Bounty Hunter. The headline is; 'Local Roswell police officer Arthur Dales chats with Diamond Star Josh Exley']
Mulder: "Is that... Arthur... Dales..."
Scully: "Mulder?"
Mulder: "Ah... Choo!" [He fakes a sneeze as he rips the page out of the book]
Scully: "You just defaced property of the US Government." [Mulder takes the page and leaves the office] "You rebel."

And then there was this alien scene.......... ouh man BRILLIANT! Basically it's about this cop who is sent to protect this black baseball player back in the 50s back in the deep south. And so, the baseball player is actually an alien and it's this scene where the cop breaks into the room to check on the baseball player and then he sees the alien instead and screams, and the alien ALSO screams, and then the cop faints.. wuahahah damn brilliant lah, u have to watch this scene to get it.
And of course... there the last baseball scene between mulder and scully that was just well, classic lah... A rare gem that will never be repeated in the X-Files when it comes to Mulder and Scully just having a fun time (and no one's having cancer, or have a family member dying, or monster chasing them).

Scully: "So, uh... I get this message marked 'urgent' on my answering service from one Fox Mantle, telling me to come down to the park for a very special, very early or very late birthday present. And, Mulder... I don't see any nicely wrapped presents lying around so, what gives?"
Mulder: "You've never hit a baseball, have you, Scully?"
Scully: "No, I guess I have, uh... found more necessary things to do with my time than... slap a piece of horsehide with a stick."
Mulder: "Get over here, Scully." [Mulder hands Scully the bat, then steps behind her and wraps his arms around her tightly, also holding the bat around her hands]
Scully: "This my birthday present, Mulder? You shouldn't have.
Mulder: "This ain't cheap. I'm paying that kid ten bucks an hour to shag balls. That's not a bad piece of ash, huh? The bat � talking about the bat. Now, don't strangle it. You just want to shake hands with it. 'Hello, Mr Bat. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.' 'Oh, no, no, Miss Scully. The pleasure's all mine.' Okay, now, we want to... we want to go hips before hands, okay? We want to stride forward and turn. That's all we're thinking about. So, we go hips... before hands, all right?"
Scully: "Okay."
Mulder: "One more time. Hips... before hands, all right?"
Scully: "Yeah."
Mulder: "What is it?"
Scully: "Hips before hands."
Mulder: "Right. We're going to wait on the pitch. We're going to keep our eye on the ball. Then, we're just going to make contact. We're not going to think. We're just going to let it fly, Scully, okay?"
Scully: "Mm-hmm."
Mulder: "Ready?"
Scully: "I'm in the middle."
Mulder: "All right, fire away, Poorboy." [They hit a foul] "Ooh! That's good. All right, what you may find is you concentrate on hitting that little ball..." [They hit the ball again] "The rest of the world just fades away � all your everyday, nagging concerns. The ticking of your biological clock." [Another hit] "How you probably couldn't afford that nice, new suede coat on a G-Woman's salary. How you threw away a promising career in medicine..." [Another hit] "To hunt aliens with a crackpot, albeit brilliant, partner. Getting into the heart of a global conspiracy." [Another hit] "Your obscenely overdue triple-X bill. Oh, I... I'm sorry, Scully." [Another hit] "Those last two problems are mine, not yours." [Another hit]
Scully: "Shut up, Mulder. I'm playing baseball."

Mulder and Scully going undercover as husband and wife in Suburbia California.. haha...
You get the Mulder loaded with sexual innuedo and Scully being all awkward about it!!! hahha... like a scene where mulder keeps holding Scully's arm and she's just like patting his hand as if to hint to him to LET GO... And then they go for dinner with a neighbor and when she leaves with the neighbor's wife to walk the dog, he motions for a kiss and Scully gives him a kiss in the air... DAmn funny lah when David Duchovny plays it comedic!
Scully: "Local PD came up blank on..." [Mulder throws his sweatshirt across the room] "Mike Raskub. No activity on his credit cards. No sighting of his '97 Mercury Villager."
Mulder: "Yeah, there's no sign of him at his house. I didn't see him in the storm drain either. I take it he's dead, Scully."
Scully: "'Laura'. Win Shroeder?"
Mulder: "Mmm, maybe Win cleaning up."
Scully: "Cleaning up for who?"
Mulder: "Don't know."
Scully: "Mulder, speaking of cleaning up, whoever taught you how to squeeze a tube of toothpaste?"
Mulder: "Hey, what do we know about this stuff?"
Scully: "I'm driving down to San Diego tomorrow and have it analyzed."
Mulder: "All right."
Scully: "Third warning. Toilet seat." [Mulder sprawls on the bed] "Why kill Big Mike?" [She walks out of the bathroom with her face covered in a bright green mud mask]
Mulder: "Oh!"
Scully: "What's missing here is intent. What would be the motive?" [She throws the sweatshirt at his head]
Mulder: "Compulsive neatness, or lack thereof. Have you noticed how everybody around here is obsessed with the neighborhood rules and the CC&Rs? You know what? You fit in really well here."
Scully: "And you don't."
Mulder: "Well, anyway, tomorrow I got a, uh, surefire way of testing out my theory." [He pats the bed beside him and waggles his eyebrows at her] "Come on, Laura, you know... we're married now."
Scully: "Scully, Mulder. Good night."
Mulder: "The thrill is gone." [Heading out with a pillow]Field Trip.
I actually liked Field Trip alot. Mulder and Scully gets sucked into this magic musroom trap and starts hallucinating to keep them pacified while this giant organism digested them...
But it was because of the element of their personalities that always contradicted each other that broke them out of the hallucination and made them realized they were hallucinating and trapped.
That when Scully started agreeing with Mulder's theory and proof of the alien and said that "no, Mulder, you're right" and didn't come back with a scientific or a need for a scientific explanation, Mulder realized that something was WRONG.
And for Scully, when the world started agreeing with all her theories, she found herself thinking what about the ALTERNATE explanation that mulder always came up with that MIGHT actually work, and why was everyone going along with her theory?
And it was because of their very well established relationship of discord that got them to see past the hallucination.
I like this episode in how it established in this episode how much though they have fought and disagreed with each other to the point of rolling eyes, frustration on both parts, PULLING GUNS on each other more than THRICE, but yet, after six years (or six seasons) of being with each other, they have come to be DEPENDENT on the other for the EXACT things that they cannot agree with each other with..
It was great that the writer established this in this Second last episode of a wonderful season taht explored alot of their partnership and friendship with each other.
I really liked how they ended this episode because throughout the begining of the episode before they went into hallucination, the both of them were fighting as usual, mulder being a believer in everything and scully just being reluctant to accept his theories and Mulder being really frustrated at that...
And then they go through the whole halluciation where ALL their point of views are suddenly agreed upon and they see past it only through knowing each other very well and knowing each other so well to know that the other will not be so easily and eagerly and simply accept the explanation.
And then take all these, at the end of the episode when Scully and Mulder are pulled from the dirt and from being digested alive, and they're placed into the truck. Almost dead, mulder holds out his hand towards scully who's lying also barely alive next to him.

But without looking, she lifts her hands and places it in his, and they're just holding hands and they look at each other with that look that knows that it their difference that saved them...

Beautiful lah, beautiful! I guess, maybe you do need to see the whole episode and know how shitty Mulder and Scully's bickering with each other can be (and how sometimes you really wanna slap one of them) to appreciate how beautifully it is because of this fact that really saves them in the end...
I really love those episodes like Bad Blood and this episode where they focus in on their differences, but don't bend them till they break (like they did in many of the episodes in Season 3, annoying i tell you), but actually show how it's this difference that saves them in the end... that the other really is, well, not complete, with the other-- always contradicting, always questioning.