Thursday, June 09, 2005
u know... i love Nate Barcalow of Finch. Ever since the day i met him (and yes i DID meet him) i've loved him and i always knew he was different. I always felt he was different. I knew he was not the superstar kind of guy like how Randy is, but those silent tragic heros and brainchild of bands (like Kurt Cobain although, as much as i love Nate, i can't equate him to Cobain). Those who are the creator of such brilliance yet ever so reluctant to embrace the fame that comes from it. I knew that Nate was different.

And so yesterday was the release of their new album, Say Hello to Sunshine. And I UNFORTUNATELY did not go for the album release show cause why???? I had FAMILY duties to fulfill.... sighhhh.

But anyways, i got their new album and i was looking at the liner notes and i was looking for Nate's thank you list and i couldn't find it!!! Cause everyone else had those "Randy wants to thank:" or "Alex thanks:" but no NATE!!!!

THEN i saw this paragraph of words:

Thank you:... and so begins the sincerity with a list of loved ones and helping hands, woven into a meticulus array of niceties, scrolled from end to end, cut down to a cold decking case of lockjaw. A list such as this, I have no desire to compile. The one who created you is the one to whom you owe your life. We tend to forget this. Inspiration is derived from many sources in life: Feelings, memories, family and faith. In order to properly give thanks for what I have become and where my heart is, I would have to give my life. I am forever indebted to the fact that all is created in the image of love.

Needless to say, I was BLOWN AWAY!

damn Nate, you always, always never fail to amaze me, never fail to remind me of why i loved you.


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