The other time when we were talking about relationships and all that and i told you about how if i had a boyfriend, i dont' really want him to be around all the time or i feel he can go do anything he wants, just that he should be there for me when i need him...
Well... truth is that, you said you are confused with me, heh, truth is that, i am also confuse with me....
You know in my heart...what i really want is for a guy to really like me and want to be with me and thinks i am special... and i want to take care of the guy and make sure he is happy as much as possible and make him feel special in my heart...
Anyway, before i got to spend time with you, i was always conscious of the japanese friends i have. It's abit shitty and i think it's bad that there are people who do go out, like hunting, you know!! to look for japanese people to be friends with, like japanese are a novelty prize or something... I think that's not good because it devalues the person... it's like "do you want to be my friend because of where i come from or because of who i am??"
But you know... you changed all that for me.
I like the time with you because you're a very fun person to be with. Although we're learning japanese but i see you as a person, and not as japanese, you know waht i mean???
I feel that is because, you are really a fun person to be with... really. I like the way you smile at jokes, and i like the way you laugh and how you smile after that. or how you do the things you do like how you like to draw stuff and keep writing what is being said on the paper, i think that is so cute. ALTHOUGH, i don't know if you'd like to be called cute!! I also think that though the real Ryota is honest and MEANNNNNNN, i also think that the real ryota also has a very friendly, open, PATIENT, and funny personality that makes it fun to be around you.
I don't know you well, and maybe i won't have/be given, the chance to know you well. but i just want to say that i think you're a very fun guy to be around and you definitely make people happy... i think!!!!!
Well... like i said, i guess... i just want to tell you this because i feel it strongly in my heart and so i HAVE TO tell it to u. hehe. I don't want anything from you that u are unwilling to give but i'm really glad that we could be friends because there are things that you do sometimes that makes me smile.
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