Ryota's kanji for his name... He doesn't know what his name means... what the hell... He said "you have to ask my mom!!" and i'm like "WHAT?!" Well aparently he doesn't know the kanji to the first part of his name... "fuji" and also "ryou" parts of his name.... But but but... the two other parts "moto" and "ta".... I CAN WRITE THE KANJI! wuahahahahah.... ^^ OK OK so it's damn simple... SO WHAT?!
So anyways, i am obsessive... he even said so... he said stalker... wuahahahaha... it's like "damn how did u know abt Eiji" and erm.... David is right, if any of them perchance upon this page, i'm screwed.... and APPARENTLY, one of my friend searched for the Japanese Student Association Party thing and he found my page......... So THAT'S scary!
Well anyway... i know i am thinking abt Ryota alot but i've been feeling "less" happy(???) thingy towards him... It's like i know i should expect too much for him to keep replying my email right? I guess i do and i guess he's right that i'm abit crazy that way but then again, he's a typical (less sensitive) guy and i happen to be a typical (ultra) sensitive girl.... *sigh*
so yeah, i'm not gonna email him till tuesday next week.... no? Raishuu no kayoubi.... *sigh*
this japanese band is so good but i think they mess it up singing in english that don't make sense... I think they can kick ass if they can get the lyrics straight or do it in japanese or part japanese and part english... i think it'd be cool if they could do verses in english and chorus in Japanese.. then it makes all those americans who are japanese junkies get hooked while at the same time attracting the japanese who are american/english junkies...... NO????????? yeap, i shud be a producer sometimes i tell ya! Or marketing manager ;)
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