Tuesday, August 15, 2006

you don't have to tell me.... i know....

Reasons why THIS GUY is fast climbing my Brilliant-people-i-totally-admire list:

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full name: ?? ??? / arimura ryuutarou
d.o.b: march06, 1973 (he sure as HELL does NOT look 33! hellz)
birthplace: chiba (where plastic tree was born too, can u believe the coincidence? =P)
blood type: AB

ANYWAYYYYYYY back to the reasons why he is climbing up my good book fast is:

1) He wrote Aoi Tori (lyrics and music)... This got him ON the list. nuff said.

2) He wrote Yume no Shima. This got me to like him like: "WOW SHIT! HE'S BRILLIANT!"

??? - Yume no Shima - Dream Island/Island of Dream



the devil came to me singing
"what kind of world do you dream of?" he asked me.
somehow, I can't even seem to seize a helping hand anymore,
solitude is my skill.
And I answered, "I don't really feel like I belong anywhere."
Such a beautiful day but it seems even my hope is turning to ashes,
how come I can't remember the spell that awoke me from my dream?

Where can I go, to throw away the tears in my eyes?
Glittering island of dream
where is it?
with the unburnable garbage, I want to rot away.
Glittering island of dream
let's go there together...

I really like this song because I loved how Yume no Shima (literally Dream Island/Island of Dream) was symbolically used in this song...

I found out that Yume no Shima is actually an artificial island off Tokyo Bay that is made up entirely of GARBAGE.

I like how, the Island of Dreams that he seemingly longs for (perhaps his "dream world" or "paradise" (answering the Devil's question)) is actually in real life an island of garbage... And maybe he's trying to say that sometimes our dream place, is in reality, really, a illusionary place that's built upon trash...

i think that's so beautiful...

And with that Ryuutarou REALLY REALLY went up my list!!!


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4) ?? - Inori

OK... so i bought their "Best Of" album yesterday cause i saw it in New York... And then I saw the last song on the Record "Inori".... Then at the bottom of the lyrics for the song I saw: "Words by The Book of Ecclesiastes."


and I saw on the top that the music was actually that song TURN TURN TURN (you know that oldies song that goes "to everything, turn turn turn, there is a season turn turn turn"... it's based on the verses in the Bible from the book of Ecclesiastes)

AND THEN I SAW (in japanese of course): "JAPANESE TRANSLATION BY: Arimura Ryuutarou"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OH MY GOSH! You could have struck me with a feather at that moment, i'd have toppled over!!

OH MY GOSH!! ISN'T HE BRILLIANT THEN???? I mean... OK, for ONE THING, don't you *kinda* NEED TO BE GOOD IN ENGLISH to be able to translate a text to JAPANESE??? How much more since it's actually lyrics/verses from the song/the Bible in this case!!!!!!!!!




sorry but damnnnnnnnnn I'm just frigging IMPRESSED!!! THIS DUDE IS BRILLIANT!

let's say it together boys and girls............. "SUGOI~~~~~~~~~~~"

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Ryuutarou says thank you.... ^^


FAQ! Other Brilliant PPL on Elaine's list... *oh my heart!*

1) Wuhuhuhu of course.... Kurt Cobain - he mayyyyyyyy be dead, but he's still frigging BRILLIANT!

2) Noel Gallagher - his songs may have sucked after Morning Glory, but hell, while he was good, he was great! I think i'll always think Noel is brilliant even if Oasis' songs are less than shiny toward later albums is because, damn this guy made some REALLY GREAT songs that totally made him a brilliant person no matter what came after!!!! (we just kind wonder what happened lately =P)

3) Tim Wheeler~~~~~~~~ Yes of course, Ash is kick as and always will...... I will always be a Tim and Charlotte fan though, that said, and even if she's gone now!

4) Masafumi Gotou! --- yessss he may be nerdy but shit! he makes great songs!!!!!!!!!! DAMN!

--- hmmm as u can see, this list is abit skewed towards musicians huh?????


5) Nate Barcalow ------ oh what can i say about Nate than I've not already expounded upon all those years ago......

hmmm.... who else?

6) T.S. Eliot -- haha where the heck did THIS come from?! But I remember reading the first lines to the Love song of J Afred Prufrock.... "Let us go then you and I when the evening is set out against the sky...." and i was breathless! nuff said...

and LASTLY.... but perhaps MOST imporantly...

7) ADRIAN LOH WAI KEONG! --- wooooo my brother! to which EVERYONE ELSE (especially guys ok!) will be measured up against. He is THE yardstick. Anyone less brilliant, they don't even make it into my list! (i know this is highly unhealthy to hold your brother up to such great high esteem.... but too bad.... that's how it really is....)


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