So typically Luis... ;) Luis, anymore Warped Tour and I think you'll be stuck in CSUN forever! haha
So typically Rages too... Rages was my brother's classmate in MBSSKL... When they first left highschool, that whole bunch used to do crazy things together like drive non-stop to Ipoh just for field trips or like drive to Genting Highlands for Coffee Bean....
It's kinda sad that we all did grow up, after all....
And I realized today too, that I grew up, somehow... It's sad... But I just find myself being unable to just screw it all, and just be irresponsible and just pack and go to Japan, like i did before, and leave without caring about the cost or calculating the consequence... But I can't. I find myself being unable to just..... go... Just do... to just follow my heart without looking anywhere else...
I texted Kaiwen and told him this and he messaged back and said "that's a good thing me thinks"...
But I DON'T.
Because that's how dreams die. That's how you will wake up one day and wonder where is the life you wanted to live. That's how you'll look back one day and wonder why...
I don't want to be someone like that. I don't want to wake up one day and wonder why I am working day to day.
I want to have tried to reach for my dreams.
I want to have lived my youth well lived.
I want to be 50 and be able to talk about the things that made my life colorful.
I want to be able to look back, and have memories of youth that I cherish. Like meeting Taking Back Sunday, like those mad rush to shows, like seeing Odaka-san live..
Superficial perhaps... but nevertheless, at least it's not a shade of pale.
Your life IS already colourful, my dear. Just maybe a coat of varnish, that's all you need :)