Anyway, here are the icons for the past 3 days~~
Odaka Yoshitaro - Letters to You
Ok... ODK-san, I'm sorry, kinda cheated on this one, huh.... Can't even see his face :(
Anyway, I downloaded alot of textures, and I kinda, learnt something about using layer masking, yeap... just learnt it..... So, wanted to try out techniques more than anything else..... Kinda failure... :(
ISHIKAWA RYO - Everyday Happy!
WOAH!!!!! An icon of Ishikawa-san!!!! woahhhh~~~~~~ Yeah, okay, I know I can't use this icon for the 50 icon challenge count, butttttt.... Ishikawa has really nice pictures, and he always takes really enthusiastic pictures too!!
Okamoto Naoko - I Should Be Your Girl *ahem* *ahem*
Hola! I like to make colorful ones of Okamoto-san!!! Hmmm... However, this icon was really hard for me... took me 6 hours and I'm not happy with the final product.... I don't like the font for the text... I tried redoing it with other fonts too but for some reason, the text just blends into the background and won't stand out...
Isshiki Noriyasu - ROCKSTAR
His icons seems to be really cluttered all the time!!! lol.... Anyway, this was a failure of some sorts... I actually wanted to put the text "Death Cab Rulz"... hahaha.... I got the idea after I looked at Tsubaki's myspace page and their Number 1 Top 20 friend was Death Cab For Cutie ;)
But anyway, I couldn't put that text in the end coz of the way i cropped the pic... there wasn't really any space for the text....
and LOOK! This was how I intended Okamoto-san's icon to be ;)
Muahahahahahha~~~ So, ahem... Yeah........ 「◯◯くん, I should be your girl......」
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