I RSS Lunkhead's blog on my google reader and erm... check it.... almost every fifteen minutes (if I'm in front of the comp)..... So came back from tuition today at 6.... And went to check google reader for updates from Tsubaki or Lunkhead.... ODK-san posted something, so went to check it and it turned out to be a live online radio show~~! Starts at 6:45pm Japan time... that'd make it 5:45 Malaysian time~~~
So~~ I got to "watch" and "listen" to the last 15 minutes of the program~~ It was a radio program of Odaka-san and Yamashita-san with Waikiki Records. I'm sad I missed the first 15 tho... But I guess it doesn't matter, since I can't understand anything anyway! wth.... That's so pathetic.....
I think they were talking alot about live..... And talked about the upcoming live shows in december as well as the tour in Spring.
Oh, and Odaka-san mentioned Isshiki-san too..... I didn't quite understand what they were talking about.... But it was something about Odaka-san and Isshiki-san... <3 I think it's about them being really popular and sought after in live by the ahem.... fans.... hmmm lol!
Anyway~ with the handy media ripper, I managed to rip the live stream of the show~~ well, the last 15 minutes of the show i managed to catch anyway~~
I've uploaded it on mediafire if there's anyone who's interested in listening to it~ ^__^
Here are screen caps of the show~~~
I wanted to capture one of Odaka-san smiling..... Yoshitaro has such a cute and nice smile ^____^ And I got the cap~~!
Dunno what they were doing here after the show ended.... (there was no audio, guruguru (from Lunkhead's Fuka album) was playing. They were just standing and chatting before they left)
Was really sad to watch ODK-san and Yamashita san walk off screen..... It's like that sinking feeling when the show ends, and the bands walks off the stage..... THAT has to be the worst feeling ever.
Was quite sad to hear Odaka-san live and somewhat seeing the images live too (no thanks to streamyx, there was alot of delay and buffer) but not actually being there, like a live =(
erm... Yamashita-san doesn't talk much, does he?!
Damn I was unable to listen the program at that time! Really thanks for uploading the live stream and the screen caps so that I can have the chance to enjoy it!