today, i learnt more about BBB...... それだけ。
what a wasted day.
Shiori is cute though... But i still don't know how she joined the band.... and is she wid the lead singer dude????? they look cute together. w00t!!!
Here's a blog entry, really cute one, by the lead singer dude... urm... Koide Yuusuke.... It's about a
grade school love and a valentine's day chocolate incident!!! hahahaha... I liked this translation, like a comment said, it's like a
one shot manga love story, lol. REALLY!! Fun read! even if you don't know the band at all!
TRANSLATION AND POST ENTIRELY DONE BY osakaromanesque TAKEN FROM THE COMMUNITY matsurinoato at THIS LJ POST.2007.06.07 - I'm sorry, Oya-sanOya-san and I were in the same class up till 4th grade.
She was a rich man's daughter.
From a good breed.
What's more, she has 3 sisters, and all three of them are beautiful.
They were all slim, dressed up well, smart and knew how to play violin.
In 5th grade, I liked that kind of girl.
But then in 6th grade, a girl named O-tsuka transferred [to the school] (it's not like I got together with her or anything, it was just a feeling)
On the Valentine's Day in 5th grade, up till this day, I think I did something inexcuseable.
During that time, she sat right next to me.
I said "yes!" to myself.
It was doki doki everyday.
Nevertheless, we talked, we discussed about school subjects, and gradually we got along just fine.
Just before Valentine's, she asked me "do you like chocolates?"
At that time, I wondered if I was going to receive some.
Then, the day came. Valentine's Day.
I came to school like I usually do and Oya-san came to school early like she always did.
"Morning!" I said, and pretended to sit down calmly.
We start a casual conversation.
But somehow, I sensed that she was talking rather awkwardly.
"Ah, this is for sure~"
That's what it seemed like.....
"There's something in the desk."
(T/N: he used the word toolbox instead of desk ROFL)...yes!!!! Score !!!!
I was already celebrating.
Excitedly celebrating.
"Now, the chocolates..."
...What does one do when one stumbles upon an opportunity like this...?
..and because of that, even now, my overly weak character shows itself.
I couldn't open the desk....
"Eh~ Maybe there is~"
While saying stuff like that, I had not thought of any way at all of what to say when to bring up the subject of discovering the chocolates in a nonchalant manner.
Anyway, I took the chance to attack Oya-san and when I rushed and took a look inside the desk...
I didn't notice the disadvantages of my actions....
That's wrong isn't it! Me! An idiot !!!!
I REALLY wanted to see... a wrapping with a cute red ribbon.
After that, right....All hopes were lost.
Those sweet chocolates were nothing but a distant [hope]
After that, I chose the option of saying "it feels a little too artificial, but I didn't open the desk at all" in the most pathetic manner.
Plus, Oya-san seemed pretty impatient.
"Maybe it would have been better if you'd looked into the desk just once?"
And that's what she said.
And then I...
"Okay. Later alright?"
IT SHOULDN'T BE "later alright?" !!!! YOU IDIOT !!!!!
Even so, I kept my cool, and didn't open it.
I wondered how much longer this exchange went on.
In class, Oya-san kept hinting for me to open it.
I avoided all of it.
"Are you avoiding it like an evading ninja?!"
I don't get it.
Finally, Oya-san got pissed off.
...She didn't talk to me.
But still, I put up with it.
I've decided.
When homeroom finishes, I'll pretend to open it.
So, during that awkward lunchtime and cleaning time, I did my best to bear with it.
Then, it came. Homeroom.
Nothing the teacher said was getting into my head.
I was simulating the reaction I should make when I discover what's inside the desk.
I'll take my pencil case out of the desk → Discover the chocolates → "Uwa, what's this~" → LOVE
Oya-san glanced to the right... listening closely to what the teacher was saying.
"Wait, that kitten!!!"
Secretly I hoped restlessly. Francoise
(T/N: Koi-chan did a pun. the SFX for restless is sowa sowa [ソワソワ]. He kept repeating it about four times and then finall said フランソワ. I thought about what it could be and said it out loud and..... it was Francoise. LAME, Koi-chan LAAAAAAAAME)Finally, the teacher's long lecture ended.
Whatever, tell us what to do, just get it over with.
Go home with a classmate.
Oya-san was still putting away her things into her bag.
I watched her form as she puts her things in[to her bag]
I opened it.
The desk has a new name, (I made it up myself) Pandora's box.
(T/N: this is a SFX for a box opening)............. eh~~"
There was no chocolate.
My... Love...
Why?! Eh, why?!!!
I went into a near-death panicked state.
Then I realized.
It was time to withdraw.
Uwaa..... complete failure.
My chocolates...
Gone were my sweet future.
But I couldn't help but feel troubled by it.
I gave up.
There isn't any [hope]
Am I not a ninja, the one who evades?
Can I not endure it?
(T/N: at this point he plays on the words. Hagurake Ninja ja nai = Hagu nin ja nai)Is this the basis of "giving up ninja arts"?
Oya-san was doing something the teacher told her to.
With a tragic glance I saw her off, I left the classroom.
"I don't want to fall in love anymore"
I turned around....
It's A-miya
At that time, he was the classmate I go home with.
He waved at me enthusiastically from the other end of the corridor.
He approached me...
"Koi-chan, did you get any chocolates?!!"
"I didn't...."
I couldn't help but feel irritated with A-miya's high-pitched voice.
I couldn't help but feel irritated with people's smiles.
He let loose with a particularly shocking sentence, and in that instant, I thought time had come to a stop.
"I got chocolates from O-ya! With a letter too!"
....go die.
I tried hard to restrain [my anger], I listened to what he says.
Apparently he got it between the 6th period homeroom and going home time.
"She acted a little strange though when she come to hand it over, she was a little embarrassed too! I haven't read the letter but I think she likes me!"
....go to hell.
Although I felt that way, it was really vexing, but I can't help but wonder about the letter.
"Anyway, show me the chocolates and the letter."
"Ah. Yeah. Here."
A-miya rummage his bag and took it out.
....This, is mine isn't it?
The red ribbon, the wrapping... the size of the one that should've been in my desk.
Technically speaking, the one I had planned to receive. did it flow that way~?!!!
This is mine, isn't it!!!
I wanted to cry so much, but I couldn't.
(T/N: sighing sound)Hey? Isn't it small? A bowl.
But wait a minute?!
What about the letter he got?!
"Read the letter."
And then halfway, I nabbed the letter and read it.
To Yuusuke-kun,
You said you didn't really like chocolates, but I made them anyway.
So if you eat these, then it'd be good if you'd like chocolates after eating them.
I'm not good at making these but please eat it.
When I sit next to Yuusuke-kun, I have fun listening to your interesting stories.
From now on, please take care of me.
O-ya Y-ko
Well, this is...
I don't really like this unnecessary miracle.
There was no doubt that this letter and chocolate should be in my desk.
Then why did A-miya misunderstood?
At that moment I understood.
His first name was also "Yuusuke"!!!!!!
Even the kanji is the same !!!
His seat is on Oya-san's RIGHT!!!!!
In short, the seating order was: me → Oya-san → A-miya !!!!
Oh my...
Probably she wanted to avoid giving it to A-miya...
What the hell is this...
"I guess I better give her a reply like this [in a letter] huh?"
"No, it's not."
"Then a direct approach is better?"
"No, it's not."
Already reacting to it was difficult.
I got a shock that the chocolate got diverted to him instead.
A-miya being conceited was already pissing me off.
Once again, it's the cause of my own cowardice.
Back home, Mom asked "did you get any chocolates?"
Honestly speaking, I tried laughing.
Of course.
That's right.
If I wanted to, I could become a ninja.
Base Ball Bear @
wow.... first post WITHOUT ahem.... Lunkhead or Tsubaki in it.... opps, there goes! haha~ ^__^